Browse and search the full collection of MFF essays here, or select one of the categories below.
- Title
- Publisher
- Essay - Many US Government Files about JFK and King Assassinations Still Secret
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- Unredacted Episode 2: Transcript of Interview with Jefferson Morley and Jim Lesar
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- Is Vincent Bugliosi Right that Neutron Activation Analysis Proves Oswald's Guilt?
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- Overview and History of the Acoustical Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Case
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 1: Mother, Meyer, and the Spotters
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 2: An Instant Visa Gets the Marine into Moscow
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 3: Counterintelligence Goes Mole Hunting with Oswald's File
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 4: When the U-2 Goes Down, Oswald is Ready to Return
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend, Part 6: White Russians Keep An Eye On Oswald In Dallas
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 7: The hand-off from De Mohrenschildt to the Paines
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 8: The CIA-Army Intelligence Mambo
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 9: Oswald Takes Center Stage As An Intelligence Asset
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend, Part 11: The Paines Carry the Weight
- Mary Ferrell Foundation
- Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History": A Crime Scene Between Two Hard Covers
- Mary Ferrell Foundation