Paul Schrade RFK Files

These documents come from the collection of Paul Schrade, who was shot in the pantry with Robert Kennedy, and who passed away in 2022. The full collection is at the RFK Assassination Archives at UMass Darthmouth.

  1.Affidavit of Robert Joling (1975)
  2.Answer of Defendant Barbara Warner Blehr (1971)
  3.Application for Order Authorizing the Inspection, Examination, and Testing of Exhibits (1972)
  4.CBS v Edward David: Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Petition(1975)
  5.Confidential Addenda to the Lowenstein Inquiry
  6.Declaration of Herbert Spiegel, M.D. (2003)
  7.Deposition of De Wayne Wolfer (1971)
  8.Excerpts of Witness Testimony Bearing on Possible Firing of More Than Eight Shots in the RFK Assassination
  9.Grand Jury Proceedings, Volume 1 (1971, partial1)
  10.Grand Jury Proceedings, Volume 1 (1971, partial2)
  11.Grand Jury Proceedings, Volume 2 (1971, partial)
  12.Guide to the LAPD Records of the RFK Assassination Investigation
  13.Memorandum of Points and Authorities (1997, Teeter)
  14.Paul Schrade vs ...: Order to Show Cause (1975)
  15.Paul Schrade Statement
  16.People v Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (1975, Schrade)
  17.Petition for Hearing and Suggestion for Rehearing En Banc (2002)
  18.Petitioner's Objections to Magistrate Judge's Proposed Report and Recommendation (2013)
  19.Reply Brief Regarding Actual Innocence (2012)
  20.Report of Select Ad Hoc Presidential Investigative Committee
  21.Secretary of State Opens RFK Assassination Investigation Files (1988 News Release)
  22.Sirhan v Galaza: Report and Recommendation of the Magistrate Judge
  23.Special Hearing of Baxter Ward (1974)
  24.Statement of DeWayne Wolfer (1971)
  25.Statement of Don Schulman (1971)
  26.Statement of Karl Uecker (1971)
  27.Statement of Thane Eugene Cesar (1971)
  28.Sur-Reply on the Issue of Actual Innocence (2012)
  29.The Criminalistics in the RFK Assassination (1975, Harper)

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