Warren Commission Records Related to Key Persons

This set of Warren Commission files organizes documents into sets related to hundreds of "key persons" associated with the investigation.

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  701.Rogers, Eric - deposition
  702.Romack, James E.
  703.Rose, Guy F.
  704.Ross, Henrietta
  705.Ross, Henrietta M., Mrs. - deposition (see Akin, Dr. Gene C. - deposition)
  706.Rossi, Joseph P.
  707.Roussel, Henry J., Jr.
  708.Rowland, Arnold Louis
  709.Rowland, Arnold Louis - 1 - Testimony
  710.Rowland, Barbara - deposition (see Barnes, W. E. - deposition)
  711.Rowley, James
  712.Rubenstein, Hyman
  713.Ruby, Earl
  714.Ruby, Earl - Nov 63 - Dec 63
  715.Ruby, Earl - Jan 64-
  716.Ruby, Jack
  717.Ruby, Jack - #141
  718.Ruby, Jack - 1 - Activities Nov 22-24 1963, Nov 1963 - Dec 1963
  719.Ruby, Jack - 1 - Activities Nov 22-24 1963, Jan 1964-
  720.Ruby, Jack - 1-1 - Reaction to Assassination
  721.Ruby, Jack - 1-2 - Presence at Police Station 11/22
  722.Ruby, Jack - 1-3 - Entrance to Basement of P.S. 11/24
  723.Ruby, Jack - 2 - Affiliations
  724.Ruby, Jack - 2 - Background, Nov 22-29, 1963
  725.Ruby, Jack - 2 - Background, Nov 30, 1963
  726.Ruby, Jack - 2 - Background, Dec 1963
  727.Ruby, Jack - 2 - Background, Jan 1964-
  728.Ruby, Jack - 2-1-1 - Labor Union Activities
  729.Ruby, Jack - 2-1-2 - Racketeering and Subversive Act.
  730.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Nov 24-25, 1963
  731.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Nov 26-27, 1963
  732.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Nov 28-29, 1963
  733.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Nov 30, 1963
  734.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 1963
  735.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 1-6, 1963
  736.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 7-13, 1963
  737.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 14, 1963
  738.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 15-16, 1963
  739.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 18, 1963
  740.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 19, 1963
  741.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 20, 1963
  742.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Dec 21-31, 1963
  743.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Jan 1964
  744.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Feb 1964 - May 1964
  745.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Jun 1964
  746.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - Associates and Relatives, Jul 1964
  747.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - CD355 L-R, 1 of 2
  748.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - CD355 L-R, 2 of 2
  749.Ruby, Jack - 2-2 - CD355 S-Z
  750.Ruby, Jack - 2-3 - Association with Oswald, Nov 63 - Dec 63
  751.Ruby, Jack - 2-3 - Association with Oswald, Jan 64-
  752.Ruby, Jack - 2-4 - Business and Financial Interests, Nov 63 - Dec 63
  753.Ruby, Jack - 2-4 - Business and Financial Interests, Jan 64-
  754.Ruby, Jack - 2-4-1 - Income Tax
  755.Ruby, Jack - 2-5 - Familiarity with the Police
  756.Ruby, Jack - 2-6 - Medical and Personal History
  757.Ruby, Jack - 2-7 - Military Service
  758.Ruby, Jack - 2-8 - Police Record
  759.Ruby, Jack - 2-9 - Political Activities
  760.Ruby, Jack - 2-10 - Travel
  761.Ruby, Jack - 2-10-1 - Outside U.S.
  762.Ruby, Jack - 3 - Address Book (Notebook), Nov 63 - May 64
  763.Ruby, Jack - 3 - Address Book (Notebook), Jun 64-
  764.Ruby, Jack - 4 - Mail
  765.Ruby, Jack - 5 - Personal Property, Nov 63 - May 64
  766.Ruby, Jack - 5 - Personal Property, Jun 64-
  767.Ruby, Jack - 6 - Telephone Calls
  768.Ruby, Jack - 7 - Revolver
  769.Ruby, Jack - 8 - Motive
  770.Ruby, Jack - 9 - Witness Statements
  771.Ruby, Jack - 10 - Arrest and Interrogation
  772.Ruby, Jack - 11 - Trial, 1 of 2
  773.Ruby, Jack - 11 - Trial, 2 of 2
  774.Ruby, Jack - 11 - Trial, Statements of Facts, 1/20-21/64, 1 of 2
  775.Ruby, Jack - 11 - Trial, Statements of Facts, 1/20-21/64, 2 of 2
  776.Ruby, Jack - 11-1 - Belli, Melvin - Entry 9
  777.Ruby, Jack - 12 - Conviction and Subsequent Events, 1 of 3
  778.Ruby, Jack - 12 - Conviction and Subsequent Events, 2 of 3
  779.Ruby, Jack - 12 - Conviction and Subsequent Events, 3 of 3
  780.Ruby, Jack - 13 - Attorneys
  781.Ruby, Sam
  782.Rusk, Dean
  783.Russell, Harold
  784.Ryder, Dial D.
  785.Ryder, Dial D. - 1 - Testimony
  786.Ryder, Dial D. - deposition 7/23/64
  787.Ryder, Dial Duwayne - deposition (see Smith, Glen Emmett - deposition)
  788.Salyer, Kenneth Everett, Dr.
  789.Salyer, Kenneth Everett, Dr. - deposition (see Akin, Dr. Gene C. - deposition)
  790.Sanders, Barefoot
  791.Saunders, Richard L.
  792.Saunders, Richard L. - deposition, Dallas, Jun 26, 1964
  793.Saunders, Richard L. - testimony, 6/26/64
  794.Sawyer, Mildred, Mrs.
  795.Schmidt, Hunter
  796.Schmidt, Hunter - deposition (also Ryder), from #156
  797.Schmidt, Volkmar
  798.Schmidt, Volkmar - 1 - Testimony
  799.Scibor, Mitchell
  800.Scoggins, William W.
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