Warren Commission Records Related to Key Persons

This set of Warren Commission files organizes documents into sets related to hundreds of "key persons" associated with the investigation.

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  1.Abt, John
  2.Adamcik, J. P.
  3.Adams, Robert L.
  4.Adams, Vickie
  5.Akin, Gene
  6.Alba, Adrian Thomas
  7.Alexander, William F.
  8.Allen, Mrs. J. U.
  9.Altgens, James W.
  10.Amstrong, Andrew, Jr.
  11.Anderson, Earl Spencer
  12.Andrews, Dean Jr.
  13.Applin, George Jefferson, Jr.
  14.Arce, Daniel Garcia
  15.Archer, Don Ray
  16.Arnett, Charles Oliver
  17.Aycox, James
  18.Baker, Mrs. D. S.
  19.Baker, T. L. (Lieutenant)
  20.Baker. Marrion L. (Patrolman)
  21.Ballen, Samuel B.
  22.Barbe, Emmett Charles, Jr.
  23.Bargas, Tommy
  24.Barnes, Pete
  25.Barnes, W. E.
  26.Barnett, Eugene
  27.Barnhorst, Colin
  28.Barton, T. R.
  29.Bashour, Found A., Dr.
  30.Batchelor, Charles
  31.Bates, Pauline Virginia
  32.Baum, Pat Davenport
  33.Baxter, Charles R., Dr.
  34.Beaty, Buford Lee
  35.Beck, E. R.
  36.Beers, Ira Jefferson, Jr.
  37.Bellocchio, Frank
  38.Belmont, Alan H.
  39.Benavides, Domingo
  40.Benton, Nelson
  41.Bieberdorf, Frederick
  42.Biggio, William S.
  43.Blalock, Vance
  44.Bledsoe, Mary E.
  45.Bledsoe, Postal, Applin, Smith (depositions)
  46.Bogard, Albert G.
  47.Bookhout, James W.
  48.Boone, Eugene S. (Deputy Sheriff)
  49.Boswell, J. Thorton (Cdr)
  50.Botelho, James Anthony
  51.Bouck, Robert
  52.Boudreaux, Mrs. Edward (Anne)
  53.Bouhe, George
  54.Bowers, Lee E.
  55.Bowron, Diana
  56.Boyd, E. L.
  57.Branch, John H.
  58.Brennan, Howard L.
  59.Brewer, E. D.
  60.Brewer, Johnny C.
  61.Bringuier, Carlos Jose
  62.Brock, Alvin R.
  63.Brock, Mary
  64.Brock, Robert
  65.Brooks, Donald E.
  66.Brown, C. W.
  67.Brown, E. V.
  68.Burcham, John W.
  69.Burleson, Phil
  70.Burns, Doris
  71.Burton, T. R.
  72.Cabell, Earle, Mr. and Mrs.
  73.Cadigan, James C.
  74.Call, Richard Dennis
  75.Callaway, Ted
  76.Camarata, Donald Peter
  77.Campbell, Vernon C.
  78.Carlin, Bruce Ray
  79.Carlin, Karen Bennett
  80.Carrico, Charles J., Dr.
  81.Carro, John
  82.Carroll, Bob K.
  83.Carter, Clifton C.
  84.Cason, Frances M.
  85.Cason, Jack C.
  86.Caster, Warren
  87.Chabot, George T.
  88.Chayes, Abram
  89.Cheek, Bertha
  90.Church, George B., Mr and Mrs.
  91.Clardy, Barnard S.
  92.Clark, Max E., Mr. and Mrs.
  93.Clark, Richard L.
  94.Clark, William Kemp, Dr.
  95.Clements, Manning C.
  96.Click, Darryl
  97.Cole, Alwyn
  98.Combest, Billy H.
  99.Connally, John B.
  100.Connally, John B. - 1 - Shooting
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