Papers of Capt. Will Fritz

These documents are the papers of Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz, donated to the National Archives during the tenure of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s. These records are a complete reproduction of the papers in the National Archives, except for two large-format photographs of Jack Ruby shooting Oswald which are not reproduced here.

  1.Will Fritz's Notes from Interrogation of Oswald
  2.Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald
  3.First Interview of Lee Harvey Oswald
  4.Interviews with Lee Harvey Oswald on November 23, 1963
  5.Note from Capt. Crowder
  6.Admissions of Jack Leon Ruby in Capt. Fritz's office 11-24-63
  7.1:39 W.B. Slack Note re: Ruby
  8.Letter from John Nichols to Will Fritz of 1 Oct 1974, with Attachments
  9.Lee Harvey Oswald Arrest Warrant for Murder of JFK
  10.Lee Harvey Oswald Arrest Warrant for Murder of Tippit
  11.Jack Ruby Arrest Warrant for Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald
  12.Statement of Capt. J.W. Fritz of 26 Nov 1963
  13.Interview of Capt. J.W. Fritz of 27 Nov 1963
  14.Letter Regarding of Transfer of Oswald of 8 Dec 1963
  15.Undated Statement of Capt. J.W. Fritz
  16.Lee Harvey Oswald Affidavit for Murder of Officer Tippit
  17.Homicide Report for John F. Kennedy
  18.Supplementary Offense Report for Murder of Lee Harvey Oswald
  19.Note from J.W. Fritz to Jesse Curry of 23 Dec 1963
  20.Searches and Seizures by Dallas Police
  21.National Archives Reference Slip for Fritz Papers Attached to Time of Occurrences
  22.Fritz Photo 1: Mannlicher-Carcano Among Boxes
  23.Fritz Photo 2: Tippit Squad Car
  24.Fritz Photo 3: 10th & Patton
  25.Fritz Photo 4: Interior of Texas Theatre
  26.Fritz Photo 5: Commerce Street Ramp in Police Basement
  27.Fritz Photo 6: Elm & Houston Drawing
  28.Fritz Photo 7: Front of Neely Street House
  29.Fritz Photo 8: Oswald Backyard Photos at Neely Street
  30.Fritz Photo 9: Mannlicher-Carcano
  31.Fritz Photo 10: Oswald Jewelry
  32.Fritz Photo 11: Warren Commission Personnel with Fritz & Curry

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