Pseudonym: Horacio
6/23/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, WH: "1. The following paragraphs summarize the contacts which Robert D. Hubbell established and which will need to be continued in one form or another. 2. The AMGLAD group. This group consists of AMGLAD-2, AMGLAD-3, and AMGLAD-4, who are Identities A, B, and C, respectively. These people knew Hubbell as Identity D, and they have called him on the unlisted KUJUMP telephone and at his home. For the time being, Chester F. Mongoven (sp) will be their point of contact..." Page 4: "Reference: UFGA-1776. Identity A: Aureliano Fernandez. Can be reached at phone numbers (office) FR3-1003; (home) FR1-6393. Identity B: Luis Vega...Identity C: Hector Febles, aka 'Horacio'...Identity D: Pill Williams...(Signed) Stanley R. Zamka/David Morales."
07/12/61, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. AMOT-63 (handwritten: possibly Rafael Llacoya Gomez, 201-291555) reported that AMJAVA-2 (handwritten: Oscar Carol, 201-282278) asked Joaquin Varela (201-287205) to accompany Evelio Duque, SUBJ of ref, on trip to WASH as expert on 'liberation army air force.' This is first WAVE info that AMJAVA-2 and Duque contact each other or that Duque going to WASH. 2. WAVE in contact with Duque man Garcia on 7 July who informed WAVE that Duque out of town but did not volunteer where. 3. Re para 4 ref, AMCHEER-1 (Julio G. Garcia) reports that Duque in contact with UR Hector Febles (Horacio) (201-292171) and Aurelio Fernandez (201-292172) treasurer this group. 3. WAVE files reveal info on Joaquin Varela Vieytes, trainee 5021, former navy pilot under Batista which may be IDEN. 5. Request any info you may have on Duque trip WASH. CS Comment: *Concerned info on Duque."
1994.06.02.15:07:15:780005: Reel 61, Folder B - UNIDAD REVOLUTIONARIA.
07/29/61, Memorandum from Cabada: "1. Unidad Revolucionaria (U.R.) has an office in Miami (14, 17 Ave. Miami) and three delegates: Dr. Luis Vega Moreno (treasurer); Mr. Aurelio Fernandez (Propaganda) and Ing. Hector Febles (Horacio - Action and Sabotage)...4. Actually the U.R. office is closed, on account of lack of funds. The Company in Miami has been informed of this and the accounts have been given to the same. Frani." Page 152: 07/30/61, Memorandum from Cabada: "1. There seems to be very serious misunderstandings among the delegates of U.R. in Miami. On one side Mr. Aurelio Fernandez; Mr. Luis Vega Moreno and Ing. Hector Febles (Horacio) on one side and Mr. Alberto Fernandez on the other side. 2. Although I am not aware of all the facts, the trouble seems to be especially among Ing. Febles and Mr. Alberto Fernandez. The U.R. people in the underground in Cuba are very grateful to Mr. Fernandez for the job he accomplish sending equipment to Cuba and consider him very valuable to U.R. Mr. Febles was among the founders of U.R. and has worked with much enthusiasm for U.R...."
11/22/61: At this time, Febles, Luis Vega and Aurelio Fernandez registered the UR as a foreign agent in the US. "Hector Febles acted as head of the UR in the US; meetings and lectures were held, paramilitary training was conducted, and propaganda activity was carried on."
104-10169-10275: VICTOR PANEQUE
Both Joaquin Varela and AMJAVA-2 are listed as contacts of Evilio Duque aka Marcelino Garcia. The full list of Duque contacts: Victor Paneque/Comandante Diego (AMRUG-5), UR (Leo Sanchez) (Horacio), Aurelio Fernandez (borrowed $1000) (see 104-10226-10162, p. 5, Horacio is the military coordinator of the Black Falcons, UR's commando unit - pseudonym for Hector Febles, 201-292171: also see 104-10262-10228: Fernandez is the UR Treasurer), Montiel, Conte Aguero (AMCORE-2) and Canero and Dr. Dausa (?), AMBANG-1 (?) sent Gustavo Lora, Jorge Varela, Oscar Carol, AMJAVA-2, Andres (?) & AMBOLT-2, Capt. Edwin P. LeMay, Alvarez y Petaluga".
Valuable list of UR members states that Garcia was "connected with an urgent training program for "Los Halcones Negros", a com//ando unit under the direction of Military Coordinator FEBLES of the UR. Head of the commando unit was Jose Lopez (Oswaldo). "This act: ivity was not directed or supported by (CIA)." 104-10226-10155, p. 4: Hector Febles was also known as "Horacio".
March-July 1962: When UR was re-organized in the US, Hector Febles, Luis Vega, and Luis Sanchez refused their positions and "left the UR".