Pseudonym: Heston, Walter
12/17/60: Cable from Leopoldville to Director: RYBAT WIROGUE: "1. WIROGUE (David Tzitzichvili) EOD 2 Dec. Heston made initial contact and Guthman (probably Lawrence Devlin) now handling. WIROGUE given following instructions: A. Build cover during initial period. This respect, WIROGUE said planned set up shop with automatic camera to take identification pictures. Said would install polaroid camera so client could push button and take own picture. Guthman agreed this worth exploring, as would appear provide inexpensive cover. B. WIROGUE told try spot persons for surveillance team, intel assets (with emphasis on Orientale Province) and PM assets. He told submit names any likely candidates to station for traces prior making approach..."
104-10182-10052: CIA FILE ON WIROGUE.
11/16/61: Cable from Leopoldville to Director: UPHILL ZIBET: "1. Stahl arrived LEOP 12 Nov landing Dornier 27 at Ndolo Airport. He immediately arrested and held by gendarmerie, and car trainees. WIROGUE (David Tzitzichvili) said he there and arranged Stahl release. Three additional Dorniers in Germany to be gift to GOC (Government of Congo). All above info from WIROGUE. 2. Heston, Stahl's regular contumt, is currently on vacation until mid-Dec. Station does not wish to drop contact that long during critical period Congo. Request MUNI arrange new contact with Stahl. Wish come or phone Heston apartment between 1130 and 1200 hours 22 Nov. Alternate same time 9 Nov. Ask for Mr. Peel. Please advise if above contact instructions acceptable. (FYI Salvack will make contact without revealing true name or function)."
104-10068-10170: CABLE FROM DIRECTOR
02/28/64: Cable from Director to Leopoldville (Orig: Monty (Unintelligible), AF/5): WITHRUSH: ..."commercial cable from Heston (unintelligible) confirming receipt of cable per Ref A and (unintelligible) C that WITHRUSH activities behalf C terminated letter to follow. B. Letter to acknowledge invalidation Heston and contract and to inform C that pilots now employed by (unintelligible) pilot contracts with C therefore void in accordance last para contract. C. WITHRUSH personnel advise wives termination C employment and that new employer is GOC (Government of Congo). 2. Re above situation please advise how Coren and Koronet being handled. 3. Request status Ref B para 1 contracts. Please advise Heston contracts must include hazard pay provisions per Ref C. Send two copies each HQs."
104-10182-10194: SUBJECT: WIROGUE
12/27/66: Memo from Walter D. Heston to Robert D. Guthman: ..."2. I told QJWIN (Jose Marie Andre Mankel) we would follow-up on WIROGUE (David Tzitzichvili) and when he, QJWIN, returned to Leopoldville we would let him knew definitely one way or another what he should do about WIROGUE."