Pseudonym: Hawlott, Gordon
Hawlott worked in Mexico in December 1966, and January 1967 (see under "5. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS": 9 December 1966: Hawlott Ops Exp.", with the purpose being a having "meal for defector"; and "LILISP-X EXPENDITURES AS OF 1 JANUARY 1967" at bottom of page). Hawlott worked with Arliss and Freapane (David U. Groves) in December 1966: (See also page 200 of same file for February 1967 LILISP-X spending).
Donald R. Heath, Jr., wrote a memo in March of 1977 on the investigation carried out by the Miami station after the assassination of President Kennedy: Then Director of CIA, Allen W. Dulles, wrote a letter in March, 1960, to Heath's father, Donald R. Heath, the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia:
Wikipedia stated that Heath "was a member of the United States Foreign Service for more than four decades including service as the Minister to been Laos (1950–1954), and Ambassador to Cambodia (1950–1954), Vietnam (1952–1955), Lebanon (1955–1957) and Saudi Arabia (1958–1961). During his tenure as Ambassador to Vietnam, Heath advocated and carried out American policy under Secretary of State John Foster Dulles that helped set the stage for American military involvement." His obituary in the New York Times in 1981: The Ambassador was the father of the Donald R. Heath, Jr, the CIA officer.
07/25/62: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Harold P. Noemayr (Ross Crozier). Reports Officer: Oliver K. Papock. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: The information attached to this report fell into the hands of JMWAVE through two distinct channels. Sometime prior to 7 July 1962 AMCOG-2 (Maria Leopoldina Grau Alsina de Agüero) through a cut-out had delivered to AMBLEAK-2 some material. AMCOG-2 does not know AMBLEAK-2. AMBLEAK-2 brought it out to AMBLEAK-1 (Fernando Fernandez Cavada y Paris) who on 7 July 1962 turned the 'pouch' over to Hawlott, AMBLEAK-1's C/O. C/O interprets this 'pouch' and xeroxed the cover pages of the reports which were generated by ALIMPEX: the material was then re-inserted in the 'pouch' and sent on its way. The ALIMPEX reports scheduled for the AMSPELL (DRE) organization. It is assumed that the AMSPELL received the material in due course, and they in turn delivered the material to Noemayr (P) the AMSPELL C/O, on or about 19 July. This is the background to a story which now gains new importance. The information which was copied by Hawlott is not reflected in toto in the material eventually received by Noemayr, thus the xeroxed copies of some of the documents, original copies for which were not received from the AMSPELL organization."
01/19/63: Cable from JMWAVE to PACY (Info: Director, TEGU): (Orig: PW/Trouchard): Slugline GYROSE KUWOLF: Handwriting at top of cable: "To: Bill-Evvy JMWAVE/PW. Handwriting opposite Slugline: "Don." Page 5: Coord in draft: Maritime/Glavasco. Coord in draft: FI/Hawlott. Authenticating Officer: Robert K. Trouchard (William Kent). Releasing Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley).
03/08/63: Memorandum to John Hugh Crimmins, Coordinator for Cuban Affairs/Miami: At the top of this memo is a handwritten note: "FI/ Hawlott, PW/Caponong." Hawlott's name is more faded. - - - This document on 04/05/63 stated that Gordon R. Hawlott was AMGABE-1's (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico) case officer, and it described a meeting at the McAllister Hotel in Miami: 104-10227-10403: 04/18/63: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Gordon R. Hawlott. Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley): "Source: AMGABE-1 (Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico) on 4 April who was briefed on meeting and movement 1 April by Jose Alvarez Diaz, Abel Mestre, Jaime Pons Domenech and others with para 6 from Robert Michael Hobbes, AMGABE-1 employee who being tutored by Jose Alvarez Diaz. Forwarded for possible background use."
11/29/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (CITE WAVE 8295): Slugline DYVOUR PBRUMEN AMPAL AMWEE: REF MEXI 7079 (IN 68566) "1. U.S. contract agent AMPAL-1 (IDEN-1) going MEXI 29 Nov pick up AMWEE-1 messages and AMWEE-2 (probably Zbynek Samonil) passport for AMWEE-3 and debrief AMWEE-3 re plans transfer to Guadalajara. 2. AMPAL-1 (Alec Resnick) will stay Hotel Francis under alias Joe Anderson. Request MEXI staffer contact AMPAL-1 at hotel between 0900 and 1100 hours 30 Nov to deliver ref letter to A-1 who will bring back to WAVE same day. Staffer can introduce self as colleague of Gordon R. Hawlott (IDEN-2). C/S Comment: *Envelopes recd from NIEXIT-3 on 25 Nov." - - - 11/29/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline DYVOUR PBRUMEN AMPAL AMWEE: REF WAVE 8295 (IN 70381) "IDEN-1: True name is Alec (AKA Abe) Resnick. IDEN-2: Mr. Donald Heath."
01/01/64: CIA document from Gordon R. Hawlott: Raw Data Sheet: From Carlos Montes: "OPS DATA: Originals of attached letters were delivered in West German Embassy Havana by unknown person, probably AMCOG-3 (Ramon Grau San Martin), and handed to KUBARK (CIA) agent AMBLEAK-2 who sent them out to Mexico in a sealed envelope in the hands of West German Ambassador Karl Graf von Spreti, who delivered them to AMBLEAK-1 (Fernando Fernandez Cavada y Paris) cutout Alfred N. Rentel on 12 January. Rentel held the letters until 25 February, when he passed them to AMBLEAK-1 who came to Mexico on TDY that day. All attached copies are copy 1 of 1. (Signed) Gordon R. Hawlott." - - - 04/17/64: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Gordon R. Hawlott. Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley).
104-10163-10041: ARTIME BUESA, MANUAL (VOL XII).
05/22/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: Subject: Operational/TYPIC/AMBANG/AMWORLD/Interviews with AMBANG-1 and AMBIDDY-1 in Puerto Rico: "1. The following information, not disseminated, was reported initially to Gordon R. Hawlott by AMING-2 (Doctor Enrique Huertas Pozo) on 8 February 1964 following his return from a month's visit to Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico. AMING-2 reported that he had met separately with AMBIDDY-1 (Manuel Artime Buesa) and AMBANG-1 (Manuel Ray Rivero) in the apartment of a friend in San Juan, the meetings occurring during the last week of January. While Hawlott feels that AMING-2 is usually quite reliable and objective on general political reporting, his own participation in exile politics and political ambitions could conceivably influence his objectivity. In an effort to check the accuracy of AMING-2's remarks, the CO again discussed the interviews with AMING-2 on 18 March at which time AMING-2 repeated his account of the interview without any change in text, so that the CO is inclined to accept AMING-2's account as generally accurate. 2. During the last week of January AMBANG-1 told Source at a private meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico that he would like to enlist Source's assistance as an advisor on medical affairs and as a propaganda worker. Source, per PBRUMEN (Cuban) custom, requested that AMBANG-1 explain to Source what resources he had for the liberation of PBRUMEN and asked AMBANG-1 to offer proof why he should consider himself a leader. Source claims AMBANG-1 replied that he had boats and weapons sufficent for strong military action in PBRUMEN and would be able to place combat forces in PBRUMEN during March 1964, said combat forces having an ability to hold their own for weeks on the island, AMING-2 observed that he had driven out to Mayaguez where he had seen four separate training installations..."
104-10163-10176: ARTIME BUESA, MANUEL, (VOL XIV).
12/04/65: Cable from Director to JMWAVE (Info: MANA, SJOS, TEGU): (Orig: Unintelligible, WH/C/CICS): REF: WAVE 7572 (IN 04077) "1. FYI: HQs has been advised by ODACID (U.S. State Department) on morning 3 Dec 65, Col Miguel Ruiz departed U.S. for Central America from Miami International Airport. ODURGE (U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), at the request of ODBOON (U.S. Customs Agency), affixed cancellation stamp his visa thus precluding re-entry. It inevitable Alegrette will soon learn his co-conspirator's fate and hopefully profit by example. 2. WAVE only: Suggest Hawlott re-contact Alegrette and advise him he must abide by laws of land while here. This to include registering as Somoza agent with ODENVY (FBI) should they require this. Finally, that KUBARK (CIA) has no interest in him and that he is to refer to ODENVY any future contacts he may wish to make with ODYOKE (U.S. Government). Suggest Hawlott approach be phrased in terms of personal advice rather than official admonition. FYI: Wish point out any harassment Alegrette may be experiencing is most likely work of ODBOON rather than ODENVY. 3. Since Alegrette can logically assume Hawlott speaking for Galbond (J. C. King), HQs expects no further attempts on his part to recontact CIA." Releasing Officer: William V. Broe, C/WHD. Coordinating Officers: C/WH/C/CICS: (Signature. C/WH/C/MO: (Signature). Authenticating Officer: John L. Hart, DCWHD/C.
104-10163-10176: CABLE: ARTIME BUESA, MANUEL, (VOL XIV).
12/10/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director (Info: MANA, SJOS, TEGU): "1. Hawlott on TDY MEXI but will return WAVE circa 22 Dec. Will have him contact Alegrett, tell latter that his info passed to appropriate quarters, that these had no interest in follow up and thus Alegrett may consider matter closed. Along lines ref Hawlott then can give personal advice to Alegrett to act in legal manner and report immediately to ODENVY (FBI) any matters which he believes would be of interest to ODYOKE (U.S. Government). 2. If HQs wishes Alegrett be contacted before 22 Dec WAVE can arrange give him word by phone. Advise." - - - Page 12: 12/11/65: Cable from San Jose to Director (Info: WAVE): REF: WAVE 7832 (IN 12626) "1. Based Maylott's (note: probably meant to be Hawlott's, see cable above) discussions with JMWAVE officers on 2 and 6 December, suggest HQs relay state traffic re Alegrett/Ruiz case, particularly San Jose assessments and results Managua talks with Schick and Somoza. 2. For WAVE: Although Ruiz may have been slowed down, both station and embassy, as well as host government continue concerned with coup possibilities. Thus would appreciate your continued coverage Alegrett."
05/03/67: Telepouch from COS, Withheld to COS, JMWAVE (Info: Chief, FE Division; Chief, WH Division): Subject: Transfer of JMWAVE advance to (REDACTION) for accounting: "1. Contents ref and attachments noted and referred to Rebholtz whose comments follow - A. Both amounts on Voucher 8511 probably passed as one sum to AMBLEAK/1 (Fernando Fernandez Cavada y Paris) who may have signed single receipt for $1,500.00 rather than receipting $1,000.00 and $500.00 separately. Re-examination appropriate files on this assumption may solve mystery. B. Any outstanding advances this matter would have been transferred to succeeding Case Officer Gordon R. Hawlott through formal memo which JMWAVE Finance must have had prior Rebholtz' clearing station. Extra copy may be in AMSCROLL (UR, also known as Unidad Revolucionaria) process by Hawlott and Rebholtz, including air conditioner through wall, AMBLEAK utilization office and possible visits by cleared WOLADY (the nation of Mexico) attorney as consultant on heirloom activity plus other such indications should provide ample evidence money passed and expended as authorized...Victor J. Sandvold"
12/09/76: Memo for file from SDB: "1. I met with Bill Sturbitts and Chris Hopkins for about an hour this afternoon to review the status of the LA task force on the Cuban ops files...c. I mentioned the speculation in O/S about Frank Sturgis making mention of Juan's Orta's role prior to our having released anything on this outside the Agency, and what it might mean about who knew what re Trafficante, etc. Sturbitts said that Orta's daughter has asked the Agency for the mss. of a book or diary done by Orta during his taking haven in the Mexican Embassy in Havana. Orta came out of Havana and someone met him and took the mss, sending it to Miami, where the CA people took possession. A search for the mss has been fruitless to date. Don Heath remembers its existence, but not its contents. Fritz Larkin may know, but he has retired. The diary may contain very significant material, but Sturbitts recalls large burnings of paper when the station changed from a large to small one; it could have gone up in the flames then. A search for the mss continues..."
02/10/77: Source: Notes made by A. Goodpasture for John Leader, IG Staff: Page 6: ..."COVERT ACTION...1966-1968: Don Heath..."
12/19/78: Memo for the record from Donald R. Heath, Jr., IAD/CAS/Soviet Ops/X: "1. During the spring-summer of 1962 the Chief of our Miami Station, Theodore Shackley, established procedures for mobilizing station personnel, area agents and casual sources to cope with sudden emergencies where fast and continuing collection and reporting were needed...2. When President Kennedy was assassinated the Station was well organized to mobilize a fairly massive search for information relating to the magnicide. I recall being told to get into immediate contact with all my local agents and to direct them in the search for informational leads which might turn up an exile Cuban conspiratorial group possibly involved in the assassination and to seek any other information which might turn up evidence about the murder. All other staff officers in the station were mobilized for this effort. That is to say, all staff officers who had agents and informants. In addition to our local search for information those of us with agents in Cuba sent SW, OWVL and WT messages asking questions about possible Cuban government ties to the assassination. I also recall making a trip to Mexico in late November or early December 1963 specifically to meet with my on-island agent AMWEE-1 (Massimo Muratori del Balso) for the purpose of debriefing him on information he had heard in Cuban government, diplomatic and public circles in Cuba about the assassination. 3. My general recollection is that the Miami Station's search for leads to the President's assassination continued well into 1964 and was considered a high priority undertaking ordered by the Chief of Station."