Pseudonym: Andres
104-10163-10173: ARTIME BUESA, MANUEL (VOL XIII).
12/07/64, Memorandum for the record from Andrew D. Rohlfing, WH/SA/SO/HH: Subject: Telephone Conversation with AMBIDDY-1: "1. I telephoned Subject in Miami and introduced myself as 'Andres' and indicated that I was calling for 'Carlos' who wished to know what Subject wanted as per his telephone call to 'Martin' on the previous Friday. 2. Subject indicated that he had three messages he wished to deliver and they were as follows: a. The President of Panama had given his whole-hearted consent to 'Manolin' (Hernandez) in helping them establish their operations in Panama. This message was then relayed to 'Carlos' (Jenkins) who was listening in on the conversation. b. Subject then stated that he had promised to pay the passage of the individuals who were supposed to take part in the meeting set for 10 December. He indicated that he was worried since he had not heard from the 'Flechero.' This was related to Carlos who indicated that money had been approved but as yet had not been forwarded to the bank. This information was relayed to A-1 and he seemed satisfied. c. Subject stated that he was leaving for Nicaragua tomorrow. He also asked if we had read his message to the base. i said that we had not and he then gave me the gist of his message to the effect that the 'foreign power' had as yet not vetoed their plans but that in the event they did, he (A-1) would have to drastically revise his policy of adherence to their views. Subject stressed that the message was only to bolster the moral of the men."
05/24/65, Memorandum from Desmond FitzGerald, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division to Chief, OSD/OS (Attention: Mr. Shortley): Reference: Memorandum dated 8 December 1964, Subject as Above: "It is hereby requested that the answering service arranged for by your office on a sterile phone (Washington, D.C. 638-4640) be extended until September 1965. The names and telephone numbers of Messrs. Jenkins and Rohlfing are current, however, the name of Mrs. Hernandez should be deleted from the list of persons to be contacted. All other arrangements remain the same."
05/28/65, Memorandum from Jack M. Bauman, Chief, Operational Support Division to Chief, Physical Security Division (Attention: Chief, Building Security Branch): "1. Reference is made to previous memoranda concerning the Subject and his use of the Sterile Telephone Number 638-4640. 2. It is requested that this service be extended until the end of September 1965. As you have been previously advised, the Subject will identify himself as Mr. Ignacio and will ask for Martin Ferrer. Any calls received from the Subject should be brought to the attention of Carl Jenkins, x9082; home number: 483-4777 or Donald Rohlfing, x 9082; home number: 548-2649. 3. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated."