A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, pp. 111, 165; WC Vol 3, p. 291; WC Vol 6, pp. 265, 271; WC Vol 7, pp. 188, 229, 544-552; CE 705, p. 368; Decker Exhibit 5323, pp. 506, 518-519, 534; CD 4, p. 485; Accessories After the Fact, Meagher, p. 6; Forgive My Grief I, Jones, p. 33; Forgive My Grief II, Jones, pp. 119, 121; Six Seconds in Dallas, Thompson, pp. 230, 267; Whitewash I, Weisberg, p. 283; Rush to Judgment, Lane, p. 69; Who Killed Kennedy, Buchanan, p. 94; Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy, Joesten, pp. 183-184


Dallas County Deputy Sheriff. Standing in front of Sheriff's office and witnessed assassination. Had Carousel Club pass #187. The 40-year olf Walthers was slain on 1/10/69 at Eastern Hills Motel on Samuell Blvd., Dallas, TX, by excaped prisoner from Georgia. Al Maddox was with Walthers at time. He was survived by wife, two daughters, Cheryl and Janis, and a son, Dennis Walthers. Walthers' wife, Dorothy J., remarried in 1972. She became Mrs. Richard O. Mangham.

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