A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, pp. 33, 35, 39, 42, 113, 121, 169-175, 183, 260-262, 265, 267, 277-278, 344, 352-353, 379-382, 391, 417-419; WC Vol 16, pp. 4, 7; WC Vol 22, p. 510; CE 1786; CE 1876; CE 1953; CE 1953-A; CE 2001; CE 2389; CE 2521; CE 2524; CE 2525; CE 2874; WC 26, p. 751; CD 79, SS Control No. 322, 7 pgs.; CD 79, SS Control No. 632; CD 81.1b; CD 205, p. 168, 647, 733-734; CD 206, p. 198; CD 246, p. 22; CD 320, SS Control No. 707; CD 1066, pp. 258-259; CD 1124; CD 1236, p. 1; CD 1237; FBI Item 70; CD 1248; CD 1316, pp. 1-13; HSCA Report, pp. 35, 63, 195; HSCA Vol 2, pp. 231-235, 237, 250, 282, 285, 299, 302, 305-307, 318; HSCA Vol 3, pp. 497, 554, 605; HSCA Vol 5, p. 494; HSCA Vol 9, p. 263; HSCA Vol 11, pp. 127, 154, 164, 447, 508, 521, 525; HSCA Vol 12, pp. 52, 200-201, 206, 244, 298-300, 311, 394, 413; Witnesses, p. 377; Whitewash I, Weisberg, pp. 50, 67, 242; Rush to Judgment, Lane, pp. 248, 308, 349-350, 384; Forgive My Grief I, Jones, pp. 123-125, 142, 156; Inquest, Epstein, pp. 111, 119, 123; Who Killed Kennedy, Buchanan, pp. 167-170, 175-177, 192; Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy, Joesten, pp. 19, 119, 124, 143, 146-148, 150-151, 165, 200-201, 203-204; Dallas Morning News, Monday, Nov. 1, 1993, p. 1-A; MMF 2146


Pictures of the rear of Gen. Walker's house were found in LHO's possessions. Pictures apparently taken by LHO. LHO allegedly shot at Gen Walker through rear window 4/10/63. FBI Specimen Q188 (CD 205, p. 168) Bullet from Walker's residence. Walker's attorney was General Clyde Watts who was killed in a plane crash on Nov. 21, 1974. Walker's name appeared on Silviera List (CD 246, p. 22) Born on ranch in Center Point, Kerr County, TX; attended West Point. DOB: 11/10/09; DOD: 10/31/93 at 84. Burial in Kerrville, TX.

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