A Record from Mary's Database


WC Vol 21, pp. 708-712; WC Vol 26, pp. 665, 666 (picture at page 666); CE 2578; CE 2579; CE 3072; CD 1069; CD 1245, pp. 171-180; HSCA Vol 9, p. 1100; CIA Box 15, Folder 14, Doc 6686 (MMF 1030-1032); Rush to Judgment, Lane, p. 249; Forgive My Grief I, Jones, pp. 161, 163, 167, 171


Reporter with Ft. Worth Star Telegram. His picture in Vol 26, p. 666, was erroneously thought to be Jack Ruby - see WC Vol 26, p. 665. WALDO arrived in Spain from Mexico City in late July 1967 and called on Embassy asking for Public Affairs Officer who had known him slightly in Argentina in 1959 and 1960. At first WALDO claimed to be representing several American newspapers in Latin America - Denver Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Tucson Citizen, Louisville Courier and Milwaukee Journal. On second visit, WALDO "confessed" he was working for Ramparts Magazine. CIA requested pertinent traces.

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