A Record from Mary's Database
New York Times, 11/1/63 (1); NY Times, 11/3/63 (40); The Dallas Conspiracy (Unpub. Mss.) P. Scott (VIII, 16-8, 24; IX, 30); Crime & Cover-Up, Scott (30); The Fish Is Red, Hinckle & Turner (146); They've Killed the President, R. Anson (268); Government by Gunplay, Blumenthal & Yazijian (164-5)
NY Times, 11/1/63 (1) printed a picture of a 174-ft vessel, The Rex, a CIA ship in the Caribbean, registered out of Bluefields, Nicaragua, but operating out of West Palm Beach, FL. NY Times learned that the Rex had been bought by J. A. Belcher of Belcher Oil Co. in Miami, from the Somozo-owned Paragon Co. (related to Paragon Air Svs., a CIA dummy corp.). Belcher leased the Rex to Collins Radio International of Dallas.