A Record from Mary's Database
CD 566, pp. 3-4; CD 674; CD 896, p. 3; CD 1048; CD 1287; CIA 5-1A; CIA 9-5; CIA 9-38; CIA 27-10; CIA 31-7 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10307, Lifton's pp. 281-283); CIA 32-14 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10310, Lifton's pp. 290-292); CIA 39-38 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10320, Lifton's pp. 314-316); CIA 429-149; CIA 543-233A (MMF 1556); CIA 555-809 (MMF 2004-2016); CIA 579-250; CIA 603-256, p. 5; CIA 622-258; CIA 633-797; CIA 876-897; CIA 877-896 (MMF 1407-1408); CIA 878-898 (MMF 1401-1403); CIA 879-899; CIA 880-900; CIA 881-901; CIA 882-902; CIA 884-389; CIA 885-904; CIA 886-905; CIA 894-911; CIA 895-912; CIA 927-926; CIA 929-927-A; CIA 930-927-B; CIA 931-927-C; CIA 932-927-D; CIA 933-927-E; CIA 934-927-F; CIA 935-927-G; CIA 936-927-H; CIA 937-927-I; CIA 938-927-J; CIA 939-927-K; CIA 941-927M; CIA 942-927N; CIA 943-927O; CIA 944-927P; CIA 945-927Q; CIA 946-927R; CIA 947-927S; CIA 948-927T; CIA 949-927U; CIA 950-927V; CIA 951-927W; CIA 952-927X; CIA 953-927Y; CIA 954-927Z; CIA 955-927AA; CIA 956-927AB; CIA 957-927AC; CIA 958-927AD; CIA 959-927AE; CIA 960-927AF; CIA 961-927AI; CIA 964-927AJ; CIA 965-927AK; CIA 966-927AL; CIA 967-927AM; CIA 968-927AN; CIA 969-927AO; CIA 970-927AP; CIA 971-927AQ; CIA 972-927AR; CIA 973-927AS; CIA 974-927AT; CIA 975-927AU; CIA 1021-403; CIA 1024-954A; CIA 1026-954C, p. 2; CIA 1028-955, p. 2; CIA 1029-955A; CIA 1036-961; CIA 1045-947F; CIA 1046-947G; CIA 1047-947H; CIA 1048-947I; CIA 1049-947J; CIA 1058-947S; CIA 1059-966; CIA 1060-970; CIA 1061-964; CIA 1064-964C; CIA 1065-964D; CIA 1074-964-M; CIA 1080-962; CIA 1563-1115c; CIA 1564-1115d; CIA 1565-1115Ea; CIA 1640-449; CIA 1643-1091; CIA 1088-969; HSCA Mexico City Report (Lopez), pp. 122, 178; CIA Box 6, Folder 8 (MMF 409-410); CIA Box 6, Folder 16, Doc 6861 (MMF 912-916); MMF 1902; CIA Doc JFK-104-10004-10199, p. 4; CIA JFK 104-10015-10107, originally CIA 27-10, Lifton's p. 69
CIA 1074-964-M is letter from Lawrence R. Houston to Edward R. Slemmer discussing CE 237. (CIA 31-7 mentions photo taken Oct. 15, 1963, outside Cuban Consulate in Mexico City.) (CIA 878-898 - MMF 1401, CIA Box 11, Folder 52 - states subject was seen at Cuban Embassy about a month later [after LHO left Mexico]..."). (CIA Box 6, Folder 8 [MMF 409] "On 22 November the CIA had provided the FBI with a photograph of a man who, it was thought at the time, might have been associated with OSWALD.") "Page 71, Line 18 - "Entire quote should read as follows: '...photographs of a person who had visited the Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico City during October and November [sic] 1963...'" "Only remaining hope would appear to be to get Dullas prevail on Commission not only retouch background in photos but also retouch face to degree obviously not identifiable with Ruby but also not with actual subject of photo." (MMF 913)