A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, pp. 29, 31-32, 39, 43, 52, 146, 191-193, 422, 424, 428; WC Vol 7, p. 345; CD 87, SS 203, DTR-00394; CD 1043; Sorrels Exhibits; HSCA Report, pp. 163-164, 233, 637; HSCA Vol 3, pp. 325-326, 331, 393, 455; HSCA Vol 4, pp. 580-581; HSCA Vol 9, pp. 137-138, 140, 1120; HSCA Vol 11, pp. 516-518, 521-527; Witnesses, pp. 510, 615; Whitewash I, Weisberg, pp. 30, 95-96, 176, 181, 205; Forgive My Grief I, Jones, pp. 71, 152; Inquest, Epstein, pp. 65-66; Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy, Joesten, p. 20; Farewell America, Hepburn, p. 301


Wife: Agnes. Head of Dallas Secret Service in 1963. In 1993, he is in a nursing home in Dallas. DOB: 9/16/01. POB: Bogata, TX. DOD: 11/6/93. POD: Doctors Nursing Home, Walnut Hill Rd., Dallas. Survived by wife: Agnes; daughters: Grace Sorrels of Dallas, Susan Dennis of Fullerton, CA, Sandra Edmunds of Tulsa, OK; son: Charles Sorrels of Texas. Burial at Stewart Cemetery near Henderson, TX.

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