A Record from Mary's Database
WC Vol 25, p. 507; CE 2415; CD 1142; CD 1215; Photographic Whitewash, Weisberg (99-100, 108, 241, 243, 256-257); The Assassinations, Scott & Hoch (269); Dallas Morning News, Sun., July 16, 2000, p. 1E
DOB: Aug. 18, 1927; POB: San Antonio, TX; married Joan Rosebrock from Flatbush, NY, in 1954. In 2000, has five children: Allan, 45, Dallas truck driver; Susan Munguia, 44, has four children and is married to a bank executive; Leslie Garcia, 43, (has a son and is married to a photographer for The Dallas Morning News, where she works as a writer); Ben, 40, is a Secret Service agent in Washington, D.C.; Jeanne Wilgus, 39, has four children and is married to an art director who works for a Dallas ad agency. 2 FBI men were in Barker's office at 11:22 A.M., 11/24/63. Provided FBI with temperature and humidity in Dallas from 6:00 A.M to 12:00 noon, 11/24/63.