A Record from Mary's Database


HSCA Vol 9, p. 1158; CIA Box 5, Folder 11, Doc 02278 (MMF 578); Dallas Times Herald, Wed, 4/6/74, p. 28-A; HSCA Reel 25, Box 17, Folder P (AMKW 19); HSCA Reel 55, Box 31, Folder R (AMKW 32)


Charged with him: Jorge Enrique SOTUS, Orlando Garcia VASQUEZ, Angel BANOS, Robert R. McKEOWN, Mario Silverio VILLAMIA, Manuel ARQUES, Evelyn Eleanor ARCHER, Pedro Luis CHAVIANO REYA, Avelardo Pujol BARRERO, Francisco Gonzales OBREGON, Mrs. Ethel Jane McKEOWN. DOD: Tues, 4/5/77, at age 74, in Miami Beach, FL. (Mentioned with Comandos Authenticos)

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