A Record from Mary's Database


Church Committee, Book IV, pp. 128-129; New York Times, 12/26/75; Dallas Morning News, Sat, 12/27/75, p. 12-A; Armies of Ignorance, Corson, pp. 363-365; Blowback, Simpson, pp. 26, 108, 152-155; The Fish is Red, Turner & Hinckle, p. 29; Plausible Denial, Lane, p. 155


DOB: January 20, 1900; POB: ? Virginia - The Very Best Men says he was a Russian emigre; DOD: May 11, 1995; POD: Novato (Marin County) CA 94949; SS # 224-52-7073. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Pash was in Moscow and Eastern Europe with his father, a missionary of Russian extraction. Pash spent much of the Soviet civil war working on the side of the White armies, then with Czarist refugees who had fled their country. Wife (?) Lydia (?) Howard Hunt claimed Pash ran an "assassination team." "...An army colonel...assigned to CIA from March 3, 1949, to Jan 3, 1952...and on several projects after that..." Wrote book about World War II, Alsos Mission which he had commanded. He had previously been Security Chief for the Manhattan Project, the United States' atomic bomb program. (In 2001, there is an S. Pash, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 883-4056 - probably the son or daughter of Boris Pash)

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