A Record from Mary's Database
CD 1519; HSCA Vol. XI (15, 113-4, 145, 185, 200, 232); They've Killed the President, Anson (60, 61, 63); Plot to Kill the President, Blakey & Billings (333); Coup d'Etat in America, Canfield & Weberman (60, 187); Coincidence or Conspiracy, Fensterwald (37, 419, 426, 543-4, 560); Who Was Jack Ruby? Kantor (4, 84); Best Evidence, Lifton (10, 98, 121, 207, 222-3, 349); Accessories After the Fact, Meagher (4-5, 12, 19, 55-61, 80, 84, 86-99, 187, 189, 256, 267, 271-2, 286, 308-9, 323-5, 362); Assassination Tapes, O'Toole (179, 183-4, 220, 225); Cover-Up, Shaw & Harris (11, 99); Conspiracy, Summers (117); Six Seconds in Dallas, Thompson (118, 220, 225-6); Los Angeles Times, 9/24/00; New York Times, Sat., Sept. 30, 2000, p. A15
DOB: 12/16/02; POB: Stuart, Iowa. DOD: Thurs. 9/21/00; POD: Long Beach, CA. at age 97. Lawyer. Staff Counsel for Warren Commission. Was present when Ruby interviewed in Dallas, TX, 6/7/64. Survived by daughter JoEllen, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren.