A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, 28-29, 238, 259, 303-304, 306, 308, 340-341, 353-357, 360, 376-378, 409; CE 1798; CE 1801; CE 1804; CE 1805; CE 1806; CE 1808; CE 1826; CE 3129; CD 5, pp. 113-115; CD 87, SS Control No. 339, 2 pgs. and SS Control No. 615, 2 pp.; CD 205, pp. 667-669; CD 329, p. 171; CD 878; CD 900, SS Control No. 1468, 2 pp.; CIA 543-233A (MMF 1556); CIA 879-899 (MMF 1405); CIA 880-900 (MMF 1398-1399); CIA 1594-1122 (attachments); HSCA Mexico City Report (Lopez), p. 179; The Witnesses, 302; Whitewash I, Weisberg, 41-42, 157, 211, 229, 246, 254-255; Rush to Judgment, Lane, 9, 255, 317-322, 351-352, 367, 375; Inquest, Epstein, 75; Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy, Joesten, 11, 86, 132, 140, 142, 164, 195; Dallas Times Herald, 11/22/63, p. 17


DOB: 7/19/07; DOD: Sat. 1/17/81. SS# 435-22-5686. CD 878 is translation of article in French "le Nouveau Candide". CD 205, pp. 667-669 her addresses in Ft. Worth. CIA 880-900 - "Since Oswald mother has no copy of photos shown her ... she could not even prove had been shown her... dubious she would query absence in Report of photo shown her several months prior... In unlikely event she did query, this would fit into public concept of her shrewishness." She died on Saturday, January 17, 1981.

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