A Record from Mary's Database


CIA 502; CIA 516, p. 3; CIA 974-927-AT; CIA 1037-405A; CIA 1229-514, pp. 4-5; CIA 1230-515; CIA 1231-516, p. 3; CIA 1316-475D; CIA 1326-1042; CIA 1332-502/1045 (MMF 2031-2037); CIA 1345-1057; CIA 1347-1059; CIA 1404-491-I, pp. 7-16; CIA 1428-492-W; CIA 1453-492-AV (MMF 2046-2047); CIA 1462-492-BE (MMF 2048-2056); see pp. 144, 149 of Judge list; Playboy, Aug 1966; Forgive My Grief II, Jones, 172; Plot or Politics, James, 108-109, 113-114, 157; Oswald in New Orleans, Weisberg, 324, 355-356, 361, 365-374, 400, 402; Coincidence or Conspiracy, Fensterwald, pp. 454-459; Secret Agenda, Hougan, 59; Washington Post, 10/30/84, B-3; JFK Collection List, pg. 61 (under Assassination Attempt - Sniper) (AMKW 99)


DOB: 2/7/1938. First wife Marlene Mancuso. Married Abby Mulligan later. 1993: Chairman and CEO of United Systems, Ltd., GlobeMaster Telecom Ltd., East/West Group, Force One Ltd., and RPM Ltd. CIA 1462-492-BE, p. 8, "NOVEL probably served as an FBI informant for an unknown period before he left New Orleans in mid-March 1967."

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