A Record from Mary's Database


CD 1372 (re "elderly American" in LHO's diary); CD 1451; see also Aug 7, 1064, letter from Rankin to Rowley and Aug 13, 1964, letter from Rowley to Rankin; CIA document dated 8 September 1964 (MMF 1742)


Assigned by US Air Force to the American Embassy, Moscow, from July 1959 to June 1961. Age 36, married, 2 children, 1955 graduate of University of Minnesota Medical School. Did not remember LHO, Wm Edgerton Morehouse, Rima Shirakova or Waldemar Boris Kara-patnitsky. His name was on U.S. Embassy, Moscow, Diplomatic List in 1959. His name appeared on "Sammy" papers (MMR 1742).

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