A Record from Mary's Database


CD 75, pp. 220, 291, 302-304; CIA 1227-512, p. 3; CIA 1228-513, p 6; CIA 1362-1061-A; CIA 1426-492-O; CIA 1451-492-AT; CIA 1462-492-BE (MMF 2048-2056); Steve Tyler post to alt.conspiracy.jfk, 3/24/00


Lived with David Ferrie at 3330 Louisiana Avenue Parkway, New Orleans, after his mother, Mrs. E. C. Martens, "kicked him out" of her home at 5516 Camp St., New Orleans. Employed as photostat technician, New Orleans Blueprint Co., 824 Union Avenue, New Orleans. Secret Service picked him up at Ferrie's apartment at 3:00 a.m., 11/25/63. Martens was a student at Southwestern Louisiana State University. In 1993, he is a radio news announcer from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. DOD: 3/23/00 in New Orleans at East Jefferson General Hospital of a heart attack at age 57. Survived by fiance, Brenda K. Perry; brother, Edward C. "Bubba" Martens, Jr., of Honolulu; sister, Mary Ellen Martens.

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