A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, 301; WC Vol 26, pp. 402, 405; CE 2896; CE 2943; CD 854; CD 945; CD 946, SS Control No. 1476, pp. 1-3; CD 1085r, p. 2; Whitewash II, Weisberg, 113-115; Accessories After the Fact, Meagher, 385; Oswald in New Orleans, Weisberg, 285-294; Scott Malone's 5/10/93 Interview


Father Machann said Odio called him the day after she was visited by the 3 Cubans (including Leon). She was on her way to a Charity Event which was to be attended by Janet Leigh. The Dallas Times Herald, Fri Sept 27, 1963, p. 14-A, "Actress' Hubby Shares Limelight", by Jim Koethe, reported Janet Leigh and her husband Bob Branch arrived in Dallas Thurs Sept 26, 1963, celebrating their first wedding anniversary. Fri Sept 27, 1963, Leigh appeared in Ft Worth at the Texas Asso for Mental Health benefit. This would indicate Cubans visited Silvia Odio on Thurs evening, Sept 26, 1963. Father Machann knew Antonio Arturo NAVARRO AULET and Navarro's wife, a "very good Catholic woman... pious."

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