A Record from Mary's Database


WC Vol 22, p. 875; WC Vol 26, pp. 338-339; CE 1451; CD 360, p. 80; Forgive My Grief I, Jones, 8, 10, 24; Forgive My Grief II, Jones, 1-3, 23; New York Times, Thurs., 2/23/67, p. 22; Dallas Morn. News, 2/23/67; Dallas Morn. News, 3/23/67; New York Times, 2/2/68, p. 11; Accessories After the Fact, Meagher, 299-300; Plot or Politics, James, 41; Pensacola, FL, News Journal, Sun., 1/12/92, p. 1


House painter whose wife Wanda Joyce Killam worked at Carousel and had known Jack Ruby for 15 years. Killam had worked with Jack Carter who lived at 1026 N. Beckley. Employed by Wheels, Inc., Tampa. Interviewed in Tampa 1/22/64. Knew Jack Ruby well. Died mysteriously in Pensacola 3/17/64. Hank Killam's cousin, Elton Killam, is Public Defender in Pensacola, FL. He believes Hank was the victim of a "conspiracy." Hank's now-deceased brother, Earl Killam, asked for a reinvestigation of Hank's death in 1967.

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