A Record from Mary's Database
WC Vol 26, pp. 834-837; CD 1553; CE 3146; CIA 1227-512, p. 2; CIA 1228-513, p. 6; CIA 1351-1059-B, p. 3; Dallas Morning News, Wed. Sept 13, 1989, p. 27-A; Whitewash I, Weisberg, 277; Rush to Judgment, Lane, 339-342; Accessories After the Fact, Meagher, 378-387; Forgive My Grief II, Jones, 81-85; Oswald in New Orleans, Weisberg, 156, 161, 263-280; Second Oswald, Popkin, 78-80; HSCA Reel 52, Box 29, Folder N, O (AMKW 30); HSCA 180-10086-10472 (MMF 2065-2070); MMF 2294
DOB: 1930 (59 in 1989). His son, Loren Jr., testified in Tulsa, Okla, Mon Sept 11, 1989, that his father was a CIA agent who recruited Loren Jr. and others to manufacture speed to raise money for the contras in Nicaragua. CIA declined to comment. Daughter, Barbara Ann Marteney, 34, of Mesquite; sons, Michael Stephen Hall, 36, Burns, Kansas, Loren Eugene Hall Jr., 34, of Derby, Kansas. Hall Sr. had "set up labs" in Scurry, TX, Balch Springs, TX, and Burns, Kansas. Sept 1989, Hall Sr. was believed hiding in Kansas, Honduras, or Costa Rica. Mark Allen wrote a memorandum re Hall for Donovan Gay of HSCA (MMF 2065-2070).