A Record from Mary's Database


CIA 220-644 (released as CIA 104-10015-10218, Lifton's pp. 101-103); CIA 222-646 (released first time as JFK 104-10015-10224, Lifton's pp. 115-117); CIA 223-647 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10229, Lifton's pp. 121-134); CIA 227-648 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10231, Lifton's pp. 134-137); CIA 230-650 (re-released as CIA Doc JFK-104-10015-10165 and again as CIA 104-10015-10217, Lifton's pp. 98-100); CIA 236-653 (re-released as CIA 104-10015-10219, Lifton's pp. 104-106); CIA 237-652 (released first time as JFK 104-10015-10222, Lifton's pp. 112-113); CIA 256-98 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10252, Lifton's pp. 147-149); CIA 258-668 (re-released as JFK-104-10015-10251, Lifton's pp. 144-146, MMF 2599); CIA 264-100 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10253, Lifton's pp. 150-153); CIA 420-757 (re-released as CIA Doc JFK 104-10018-10064); CIA Box 3, Vol 3, Doc 03008 (MMF 798); CIA Box 6, Folder 10 (MMF 399); CIA Doc JFK 104-10004-10195; CIA Doc JFK-104-10004-10199 (original draft of GPFLOOR Report); CIA Doc JFK 104-10015-10173 (originally numbered CIA 254-666 denied); CIA 260-670 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10257, Lifton's pp. 160-163); CIA Doc JFK 104-10015-10177 (originally released as CIA 261-99); CIA Doc JFK 104-10018-10103 (originally released as CIA 377-731); CIA Doc JFK 104-10086-10005 (originally released as CIA 648-825; CIA Doc JFK 104-10007-10152 (originally numbered CIA 1011-945 denied); CIA JFK-104-10015-10004 - routing sheet dated May 1, 1960, from Craig Crooks - (Lifton's p. 6); CIA JFK 104-10015-10168, Lifton's pp. 88-90; CIA 225-89 = CIA 104-10015-10221, Lifton's p. 111


Cryptonym. "...the daily logs kept by the basehouses on the comings and goings of the ____ staff members and visitors have greatly aided the Stations CE efforts, especially in crisis times such as the GPFLOOR affair." (MMF 798) = Lee Harvey Oswald. "The GPFLOOR Phase of the CIA's investigation of the assassination covered the period of Nov 23, 1963 until Jan 23, 1964." (MMF 1750) John Scelso wrote original draft of GPFLOOR Report 12/13/63.

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