A Record from Mary's Database


CIA 974-927AT; CIA 1037-405-A; CIA 1044-947E; CIA 1057-947r; CIA 1081-963; CIA 1094-414; CIA 1105-419; CIA 1106-975; CIA 1107-420; CIA 1109-417; CIA 1123-424; CIA 1127-987; CIA 1227-512; CIA 1228-513; CIA 1229-514; CIA 1230-515; CIA 1231-516; CIA 1232-517; CIA 1233-518; CIA 1234-519; CIA 1314-1036-D; CIA 1316-475-D; CIA 1320-484; CIA 1331-1044; CIA 1407-492-B; CIA 1409-492-D; CIA 1420-492-O; CIA 1430-492-Y; CIA 1433-492-AB; 1445-492-AN; CIA 1463-492-BF; CIA 1557-1114-B; CIA Box 7, Folder 2 (MMF 279-283); CIA Box 12, Folder 10 (MMF 1075); SSCIA 157-10011-10102, p. 4 (MMF 1753); Washington Post, 4/2/67, Article by George Lardner. HSCA Reel 7, Box 6, Folder O (AMKW 6); HSCA Reel 24, Box 16, Folder G, H, I, J, K, L, M (AMKW 18); HSCA Reel 25, Box 17, Folder B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I (AMKW 18); MMF 2294; Destiny Betrayed, James DiEugenio, 1992; False Witness, Patricia Lambert, 1998


DOB: November 21, 1921; District Attorney of Orleans Parish, LA. 6' 7". Died Wednesday, October 21, 1992, at age 71. In 1976, Garrison was a partner with Tucker, (Gibson, Jr.) Schonekas (Russell J.) & Garrison, (Jim) 710 Carondelet Ct., NO, LA 70130 (504) 588-9014 Arthur S. Mann III was also with firm. A late 1967 memo from the CIA Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division to the Deputy Director for Plans reviewed the links between the Brown/Slafter case and individuals involved in the Garrison investigation. Ray Rocca told the SSCIA that "information he found during the Garrison investigation was relevant." (MMF 1753)

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