A Record from Mary's Database


CIA Box 6, Folder 16, Doc 6978 (MMF 898); FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, p. 2; NW 381-2


201-226548. Also had ZR file. DOB: 10 April 1923; POB: Port-au-Prince, Haiti. PPLN Central Committee member (Parti Populaire de Liberation Nationale -- National Liberation Party). Has Bulgarian wife, Hedwig KRADLEKOVA. They attended party at the deMohrenschildts' home in Port-au-Prince on 4 Feb 1964 to view film of the deMohrenschildts' walking trip through Mexico and Central America in 1961. Another account indicated this party was on 9 Aug 1964. GAILLARD is secondary school teacher and a writer for French language daily Le Matin in Haiti.

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