A Record from Mary's Database


Inside the Company, Agee, pp. 459, 497; The Fish is Red, Hinckle & Turner, p. 99; Give Us This Day, Hunt, pp. 23-24, 75-77; Man Who Kept the Secrets, Powers 133, 328; Robert Kennedy & His Times, Schlesinger, p. 454; Bay of Pigs, Wyden, pp. 13, 19-22, 30, 34, 160, 205, 300; Inspector General's Report of 1967, pp. 9, 11-12, 32-34, 77a; MMF 2289; CU-8; Miami Herald, Monday, October 18, 1999


DOB: April 26, 1920; POB: Lewistown, PA; DOD: Saturday, October 16, 1999; POD: Hendersonville, NC. OSS and CIA. Supervisor of Planning for Bay of Pigs. Recalled from Venezuela in early 1960 to undertake Bay of Pigs project. Survived by wife of 53 years, Mildred; daughter, Ann Henderson, Flat Rock, NC; two sons: Jacob Alan Esterline, 3200 S 1st St., Austin, TX 78704-6387 (512) 445-7161; John Esterline, Peachtree City, CA.

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