A Record from Mary's Database


CIA Box 3, Vol 3, Doc 02710 (MMF 789); CIA Box 6, Folder 8 (MMF 473); CIA Box 7, Folder 2 (MMF 265); CIA Box 7, Folder 5, Doc 03370 (MMF 253); CIA Box 7, Folder 10, Docs 03045, 03046, 03049, 03051, 03053, 03055, 03056, 03058 (MMF 86-102); CIA Box 12, Folder 10, Doc 3357 (MMF 1095-1099); HSCA Reel 19, Box 12, Folder J, K, L (AMKW 14); HSCA Reel 20, Box 13, Folder J, K, L (AMKW 15); HSCA Reel 21, Box 14, Folder B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J (AMKW 15); HSCA Reel 22, Box 15, Folder A, B, C, D, E - OPS, F Folder 40, G Folder 39, H Folder 38, I Folder 37 (#16), J Folder 37 (#15), K Folder 36, L Folder 35, M Folder 34, N Folder 33, O Folder 32, P Folder 31, Q Folder 30, R Folder 29, S Folder 28, T Folder 27, U Folder 26, V Folder 25, W Folder 23, X Folder 24, Y "ZAPOTE CASE" Folder 22, Z "ROMEO CASE" Folder 21 (AMKW 16); HSCA Reel 22, Box 15, Folder AA "VALLADARES CASE" Folder 20, Folder BB Folder 19, Folder CC, Folder DD, Folder EE, Folder FF, GG, HH, II, JJ (AMKW 17); HSCA Reel 48, Box 26, Folder Z (AMKW 26); HSCA Reel 60, Box 33, Folder D (AMKW 33)


201-749651. DGI. AMMUG-1 identified individuals in Volume 1 of the Cuban Mugbook for the CIA. 27-year-old Cuban Intelligence Officer who defected in Canada April 21, 1964.

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