A Record from Mary's Database
CD 1551; CIA 107-579; CIA 128-590; CIA 133-594; CIA 174-616; CIA 367-726, p. 16 (re-released as CIA Doc JFK 104-10018-10040); CIA 407-753; CIA Box 6, Folder 16, Doc 09025 (MMF 922); CIA Box 6, Folder 17, Doc 09031 (MMF 925-935); CIA Box 9, Folder 38 (MMF 1373); CIA Doc JFK 104-10004-10199, p. 21; Fortress Cuba, Jay Mallin, pp. 17, 34, 40, 87, 120; Dallas Times Herald, 6/12/75, p. 2-A; Dallas Morning News, 6/24/83, p. 28-A; CIA JFK-104-10015-10007, Lifton's pp. 10-30
Leader of Castro's 1957-1958 revolution that overthrew Batista. President of Cuba from 1959 to 1975. CIA taped a long distance telephone conversation between Dorticos and Cuban Ambassador Hernandez Armas in Mexico City in Nov 1963. Shot himself to death Thursday, June 23, 1983, in Havana at age 64.