A Record from Mary's Database


CIA 1351-1059-B; CIA Box 2, Folder 16 (MMF 294-295, 305); HSCA Report (104); HSCA Vol V (298); HSCA Vol IX (590); HSCA Vol X (6, 93); HSCA Vol XII (59); Browder FBI File (15, 27); Fortress Cuba, Mallin (26); Assassinations, Scott & Hoch (397); Coup d'etat in America, Canfield & Weberman (95, 97-8, 104, 108, 128); The Fish is Red, Hinckle & Turner (365); Give Us This Day, Hunt (11, 91-2, 98-103, 167, 169, 174); Night Watch, Phillips (78); Plot to Kill the President, Blakey & Billings (158, 175); The Cuban Invasion, Meyer (20, 25, 39); Miami Herald, May 27, 1960. 105-72630; 105-84265; 109-584; HSCA Reel 6, Box 4, Folder K, L, M (AMKW 5)


DOB: 11/8/26. POB: Cuba. Wife: Tania. Immigration Service # A 10 176 250. Chief of Air Corps, Cuba. It was feared Diaz-Lanz would try to embarrass JFK when he visited Miami on 11/18/63. A pilot placed on "blacklist" by U.S. Government. On list of Cuban Raiders Ordered not to Depart United States. Served with Notice Not to Depart March 30, 1963.

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