A Record from Mary's Database
Warren Report (43,209,664-5,809); WC 12 (42-52); WC 19 (458); CD 4(352); CD 205, p. 42; CD 1463; HSCA III (464-5); HSCA IX (218,243,335-6,364,369,412,517,527, 529); Accessories After Fact, Meagher (87-9,96,398-401); Assassinations, Scott & Hoch (201); Best Evidence, Lifton (15); Coincidence or Conspiracy? Fensterwald (419); Conspiracy, Summers (56-58); Coup d'etat in America, Canfield (58); Cover-Up, Shaw & Harris (9,27,85,87,125, 144,180); Coverups (Newsletter) July 1982 (1,7); Dallas Public & Private, Leslie (98,108,111-2); Day Kennedy Was Shot, Bishop (114,153, 157,178,216-8,284,348,383,403,406,490,507-8,520,570); Farewell America, Hepburn (348); Forgive My Grief I, Jones (35,158); Forgive My Grief II, Jones (53,60,63,104); Forgive My Grief III, Jones (30-1,35-7,76); Heritage of Stone, Garrison (200,211); JFK: Case for Conspiracy, Model (160,280); Kennedy Conspiracy, Flammonde (127,174); Legacy of Doubt, Noyes (20,27,45-7,86,88); Moment of Madness, Gertz (553); Nov. 2: You Be The Jury, Belin (184,436); Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Joesten (24, 26,29-30,74,97); Photographic Whitewash, Weisberg (32,45); Plot to Kill the President, Blakey & Billings (11,322,334-5); Rush to Judgment, Lane, (43,243); Six Seconds in Dallas, Thompson (83,257); Who Was Jack Ruby, Kantor (4-5,32-3,36,52,60,124,166,178,187); Dallas Morning News, 8/30/70 (33-A); Dallas Times Herald, 8/31/70 (A-13)
Dallas County Sheriff. Dolsen beat Decker for throwing glass of wine on Black boy Willie. Decker died Saturday, August 29, 1970.