A Record from Mary's Database


West Point Year Book; Geo. DeMohrenschildt's Address Book; JFK & Vietnam, John Newman (67-8, 73-4, 161, 225-8, 465); The Senator Must Die, Robert Morrow (referred to as Second Intelligence Officer - SIO) (pp. 123-125, 130-131, 139-140, 142-150); First Hand Knowledge, R. Morrow (175n, 300); Aug 26, 1990, phone conversation - Robert Morrow to Peggy Adler Robohm in Madison, Connecticut.


DOB: 4/26/18 POB: San Antonio, Texas; Married: Barbara Buchanan Jester, daughter of former Governor Beauford H. Jester of Texas, Sept 1946; 2 children: Kathryn (born 1947), Howard Jr. (born 1949); West Point Class of 1942; Commissioned Second Lt., May 1942; promoted to full Colonel, April 1953; rated Command Pilot; Field Artillery; Army Air Corp.; Company Bomber; Bomber Squadron & Deputy Commanding Officer 386th Bombardment bomber Group 9 Air Force; European Theater 1944-45; Office Secretary of the Air Force (Asst. Exec.) 1949-50; Military Aide 1950-53; Air Attache Switzerland 1953-57; Foreign Liaison Officer Headquarter 1957; According to Morrow (to Robohm on 8/26/90), Burris was in oil business with Mickey Wiener; Burris was LBJ's military assistant; Burris was military attache at US Emb in Geneva, Switzerland, was COS; was in import-export business in Paris with Delk Simpson when Burris was called back to Switzerland after Nosenko defected; Colonel Burris was supposedly original case officer for Nosenko. He was intelligence officer who ran Nosenko in Switzerland in Jan 1964. In Jan 1990, his business at 1725 K St N.W. was Jester Corp. (wife's maiden name). Also officing at 1725 K St N.W. was William Corson.

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