A Record from Mary's Database
WC 5 (614); WC 11 (330-7, 339); WC 26 (356, 704-5, 732); CD 75 (198, 206, 305-306); CD 87 SS 200, p. 2; They've Killed the President, Anson (107-10, 115, 356); Plot to Kill the President, Blakey & Billings (47-8); Coup d'Etat in America, Canfield & Weberman (39, 142); Coincidence or Conspiracy, Fensterwald (476-7); Kennedy Conspiracy, Flammonde (5, 44, 46-51, 55-62, 65-9, 74, 82-4, 123, 226, 235-6, 245, 301-3, 307-8); Rush to Judgment, Lane (390); Accessories After the Fact, Meagher (375-6); Conspiracy, Summers (340); The Assassinations, Scott & Hoch (286-7, 290, 295-6)
Called Dean Andrews following assassination of Kennedy and asked Andrews to defend Oswald. Warren Commission unable to locate Bertrand. DA Jim Garrison charged that Bertrand was an alias for Clay L. Shaw, New Orleans businessman. Shaw denied it.