A Record from Mary's Database
Warren Report, pp. 21, 59, 61, 64-65, 70-71, 429; WC Vol 2, p. 149; CE 355; CE 767, p. 595; CE 768, pp. 607, 613; CE 1020; CE 1024, p. 766; HSCA Vol 1, p. 182; HSCA Vol 3, pp. 345, 608; Whitewash I, Weisberg, p. 108; Rush to Judgment, Lane, p. 296; Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy, Joesten, p. 25; Dallas Morning News, 6/13/71, p. 38-A
DOB: 1924. Born in Macon, GA. DOD: 10/2/96. POD: Savannah, GA. Secret Service Agent riding in LBJ's car on 11/22/63. Witnessed assassination. Threw himself on top of LBJ when shooting started. Retired from Secret Service at age 47 May 31, 1971. In 1995, he is a realtor and "master gardner" growing colorful day lilies. Survived by wife, Peggy; son, Mark of Wallingford, Conn; three daughters: Joy Rumpf of Windham, N.H., Candy Hughes, of Savannah, and Dr. Rebecca Vaughn of Acworth, GA.