A Record from Mary's Database


Warren Report, p. 265; New York Times, Sunday, March 15, 1998, p. 28


Michael Paine's mother. See Mrs. Arthur Young. Died March 5, 1998, at her home in Berkeley, CA, at age 94. Born in Milton, Mass., daughter of Ralph Emerson Forbes and Elise Cabot; a great granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Her uncle Cameron Forbes was the first Governor-General of the Philippines. In mid-1920's she married George Lyman Paine, Jr., an architect in New York City. Two sons, Michael Paine of Harvard, Mass., and Cameron Paine of Tylersport, PA, and two grandchildren survive. Ruth and George Paine were divorced in the 1930's. In early 1940's she married Dr. Giles Thomas, a psychologist in Manhattan, who died several years later. Her third marriage, to Arthur M. Young, who built the first helicopter to be certified for commercial use, was in 1948. The couple set up the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley in 1972. Mr. Young died in 1995.

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