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Cryptonym: ZRBRIEF

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Unknown identity. Location or organization used in Operation PBSUCCESS.
A cable in February, 1954, from LINCOLN (CIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters, a forward base in Florida) instructed that a letter from withheld be delivered to Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas), via Stirling D. Princep (in Honduras) and Stephen R. Lugton. Princep was to inform Lugton that the letter requested that Calligeris make a trip to ZRBRIEF and return prior to March 1, 1954. In addition, a series of cables in June of 1954 for Alan W. Reelfoot (probably Raymond J. O'Mara) mentioned ZRBRIEF.


02/05/54: Dispatch from LINCOLN to Chief, Western Hemisphere (hand carried by Bardwell): Subject: Operational/Recommendation re Efforts Prior to and During OAS Conference: "The enclosed memorandum was prepared as a cable. Due to its length it is being forwarded in this manner. Jerome C. Dunbar." - - - Memorandum: "1. Recognize importance of and relationship to PBSUCCESS of OAS conference LINC suggests following as of possible assistance HQS joint effort with ODACID (U.S. State Department). '1. Herewith LINCOLN (CIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters, a forward base in Florida) recommendations for KUGOWN (Psychological and Paramilitary Staff) effort prior to and during OAS conference. 2. Plan has three elements: a. Character assassination of WSBURNT (Guatemala) delegates. b. Embarrassment of WSBURNT delegation in Caracas. c. Diplomatic and foreign press exposes of WSBURNT domestic and hemisphere-wide Communist activities...4. Proposed actions toward 2b: a. Have ZRBRIEF determine hotel, entertainment, official reception, etc., arrangements being made for WSBURNT delegation. b. Have ZRBRIEF determine local Communist demonstration, publicity, etc, plans for conference. c. Have ZRBRIEF recommend defensive measures against local Communist plans. d. Have ZRBRIEF explore possibilities of embarrassing WSBURNT delegation by such means as (1) picketing of delegates' residence, (2) tomato and egg throwing at WSBURNT delegates en route meetings, (3) exploiting WSBURNT official reception by planned power failure, nauseating drinks, interception of invitations to important figures, gate crashing by inebriated boors who pose as Slavic friends of WSBURNT delegates, mailing great excess of invitations. e. Anti-Communist poster campaign in ZRBRIEF. f. Bring refugees from WSBURNT to ZRB for public appearance. Have them get publicity by trying to crash conference to protest against WSBURNT..."


02/09/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: PBSUCCESS RYBAT: "1. Along with funds, LINCOLN (CIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters, a forward base in Florida) pouching 9 Feb to you letter from (REDACTION) to Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas). Deliver letter to Prinsep in WSHOOFS (Honduras). Instruct Prinsep to hand letter to Lugton for delivery to Calligeris. 2. Inform Prinsep to tell Lugton that (REDACTION) letter requests Calligeris make his trip to ZRBRIEF and return prior 1 March."


02/23/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: PBSUCCESS RYBAT: IMMEDIATE ACTION: LINCOLN SITREP WEEK 15-21 FEB: Page 4: "PT/19: Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) using SUBJ LINC 603 (IN 20058) as envoy to President ZRBRIEF..."


05/01/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: RYBAT PBSUCCESS: RE: DIR 48833 (OUT 90686): "1. Have considered reasoning in ref carefully and will discuss Tuesday. 2. Meanwhile FYI feel that should be no objection to concept that Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) has used financial support to purchase supporting equipment including planes. Flights then are overt and admittedly part Calligeris effort. 3. Main problem in our opinion not that of flights but rather where Calligeris purchased planes. Use of planes would be no surprise as evidenced by original ZRBRIEF offer and allegations in recent ERRATIC (General Jose Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes) letter to embassies in DTFROGS (El Salvador). 4. Planes would be based or at least take off for these overflights at SOMERSET, story of purchase by Calligeris having been leaked and circulated in advance. 5. Danger of loss to enemy action not now considered too serious. Ground fire could be avoided in part and also minimized by altitude flown. Pursuit aircraft available WSBURNT (Guatemala) have maximum speed no greater than that of C-47. 6. Fact that planes represent one more element good equipment for Calligeris again merely question of ability to purchase or sufficient money plus availability of equipment purchases. 7. Still working on details but hope you will keep mind open."


06/05/54: Cable from Withheld to Director: RYBAT PBSUCCESS: FROM BRODFROST: "Brodfrost and Magoffin met (REDACTION) 5 June with following results...4. FYI. (REDACTION) states absolutely essential at this time to have two aircraft available that are faster than WSBURNT (Guatemala) aircraft. If so no WSBURNT pilot will take to air. States 30 per cent of battle is show of air power. Also states he advised (REDACTION) that no great amount of assistance needed from ZRBRIEF but that in order to show moral support they should furnish something. Believes he will acquire 10 aircraft from ZRBRIEF..."


06/09/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: RYBAT PBSUCCESS: RE: (REDACTION) LINC AND DIR ONLY): FOR REELFOOT (Raymond J. O'Mara): "1. (REDACTION) conversation with Pedro Estrada indicates ZRBRIEF will cooperate in OAS conference re WSBURNT (Guatemala) and will sign MDAP pact if offered at once. 2. ZRBRIEF was hurt because PBPRIME (U.S) would not sell them arms and aircraft and resented fact they had to buy in Europe. Interested in case of KMFLUSH (Nicaragua) and LCPANGS (Costa Rica) because of presence of Betancourt. They desire that Somoza take case to OAS and force Figueres to live up to treaties. ZRBRIEF sorry they sent mission to NTPLUME as they now realize they were being used against PBPRIME. Thought it honor at time of sending mission. 3. ZRBRIEF will assist with PBSUCCESS but promise vague apart from planes previously reported."


06/10/54: Cable from Director (Orig: J. D. Esterline, Unit: WH): RYBAT PBSUCCESS: FOR REELFOOT (Raymond J. O'Mara): REF: REDACTION (IN 16144): "1. Urge (REDACTION) return ZRBRIEF upon completion negotiations your (REDACTION) believe (REDACTION) showed undue concern plans (REDACTION) his first visit. Most important he contact and hold conference with Jiminez. 2. FYI: Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) requested (REDACTION) to represent him with Jiminez. As result P J sent Pedro Estrada repeat Estrada to KMFLUSH (Nicaragua) to confer with Calligeris and survey situation on spot. Calligeris had cordial cooperative meeting with Estrada who desired to see equipment Calligeris possessed. STORAX (probably President Anastasio Somoza) advised Estrada he personally had seen gear and Estrada did not press point. Further Estrada further queried what kind of aid Calligeris needed specifically. Calligeris advised him he needed 3 planes and pilots preferably P-51's, to counter balance new WSBURNT (Guatemala) arms shipment. If this not available, as last resort US $200,000 needed. Estrada promised to pass request to Jimenez and send answer soonest. Answer to be delivered by Estrada aide who attended meeting." Releasing Officer: F. S. Wisner, DDP. Authenticating Officer: J. D. Esterline.


06/11/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: RYBAT PBSUCCESS: RE: FOR REELFOOT (Raymond J. O'Mara): "1. Herewith DIR 04333 (OUT 52644): A. Urge (REDACTION) return ZRBRIEF upon completion negotiations your (REDACTION) believe (REDACTION) showed undue concern plans Calderon Guardia his first visit. Most important he contact and hold conference with Jimenez. B. FYI: Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) requested Calderon Guardia to represent him with Jimenez. As result PJ sent Pedro Estrada to KMFLUSH (Nicaragua) to confer with Calligeris and survey situation on spot. Calligeris had cordial cooperative meeting with Estrada who desired to see equipment Calligeris possessed. STORAX (probably President Anastasio Somoza) advised Estrada he personally had seen gear and Estrada did not press point further. Estrada further queried what kind of aid Calligeris needed specifically. Calligeris advised him he needs 3 planes and pilots preferably P-51's, to counter balance new WSBURNT (Guatemala) arms shipment. If this not available, as last resort US $200,000 needed. 2. Request compliance with para 1 of DIR 04333. Advise ETA Caracas. 3. Thereafter, (REDACTION) Calligeris MTG envisaged in ref acceptable. Subject obtaining Calligeris schedule which will advise. MTG should be in WSHOOFS (Honduras). Advise when can be there and LINC will alert Calligeris."


06/12/54: Cable from Withheld to Director: RYBAT PBSUCCESS: RE: LINC 3714 (IN 16675): "1. (REDACTION) must wait minimum 2 weeks for MRBRIEF (also received ZRBRIEF) visa. Can enter now for 40 hours in transit without papers. Unlikely he obtain (REDACTION) interview short time since he unknown, unless prior arranged Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) or (REDACTION). 2. (REDACTION) wary uncoordinated (REDACTION) contact fearing same results action by Calligeris rep which caused withdrawal aid promised (REDACTION) thru (REDACTION). 3. Suggest (REDACTION) proceed WSHOOFS (Honduras) for conf (REDACTION) and Calligeris, 3 to work out (REDACTION) meetings; or have them arrange meeting while (REDACTION) stay here. 4. (REDACTION) meeting (REDACTION) found latter sympathetic to movement. Second meeting to be held 12 June when hope for answer material aid."

Gavin McDonald

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