Cryptonym: WISTATIC-1
10/12/66: Memorandum from William C. Goswood (P), Chief, TSD/BAB (Behavioral Activities Branch) to Chief, AF/5: Subject: Handwriting Analysis - Alastair Wicks: Reference: AF/5 memo dated 29 Aug. 1966: Page 2 of Handwriting Assessment Report: ..."Emotionally, the writer is complex but fairly well balanced, innately impressionable and sensitive, he has hardened himself in the course of his life in order to be less vulnerable..." - - - Page 4: Wicks described as second in command to Mike Hoare in 5 CDO:
03/09/67: Cable to Director: Slugline SECAROB: CITE KINSHASA 0864: "1. On 3 March 1967 SECAROB/1 (probably Major Michael Hoare) had meeting with Haslanger and reported following about his meeting with WISTATIC/1. A. SECAROB/1 tried unsuccessfully to get WISTATIC/1 to focus on what GDRC (Government of Democratic Republic Congo) was going to give him for phasing out the 5 Commando and for recruiting new men in England. Based on WISTATIC/1 that SECAROB/1 was something of a cad for bringing up money matters, SECARBOB/1 told WISTATIC/1 he had no intention of phasing out 5 Commando unless this followed up with recruitment of 400 men from England with eventual expansion this force to 800 men, most of whom would be artisans and professional men; and finally SECAROB/1 to be allowed to develop tourism in the eastern Congo. As a result of this conversation SECAROB/1 stated that he now has reservations about being an ax man for the 5 Commando because he has no assurance that the GDRC will permit him to carry out the other aspects of this program. B. To SECAROB/1's suggestion WISTATIC/1 that Mobutu cut in LNHARP (U.S. Government) on the phase-out of the 5 Commando due to the WITHRUSH position in Albertville, WISTATIC/1 replied 'We hope you are on (unintelligible), are you? We don't like them' (Assume WISTATIC's refers to himself and Delperdange). C. SECAROB/1 advised WISTATIC/1 that Peters could be a difficult man to handle if disbandment of 5 Commando not properly handled. WISTATIC/1 said he saw no difficulties here. (SECAROB/1 later stated he did not fear Peters because the latter still had a sergeant's attitude towards his commanding officer, SECAROB/1. Haslanger cautioned SECAROB/1 against taking Peters too lightly." (CONTINUED BELOW)
D. WISTATIC/1 complained to SECAROB/1 about SECAROB/1 not having given him a letter of recommendation back in September 1966. WISTATIC/1 said he had intended use letter along with others to prevent his removal and that of General Delperdange from the Congo by the Belgian Army. SECAROB/1 concluded his discussion of WISTATIC/1 with the comment that WISTATIC/1 knows the Congo as few men do and that he is a sensitive man without courage."
03/09/67: "KINSHASA 0864 (IN 17389): Hoare stated he going London about 12 March to check on Yemen deal. Hoare had previously received letter from Alastair Wicks in London offering him job with good pay and conditions. He believes this job concerns Yemen..."
Entry for General Edouard-Paul Delperdange (1912-1989) (Translated to English): "Edouard-Paul Delperdange was born in Bourg-Léopold on October 10, 1912 . He is the youngest of the 7 children of Paul Nicolas Joseph Delperdange (1871-1932), officer, and his wife Hélène Marie Pétronille van Eeckert (1872 – 1924)...In 1940, he was sent to Germany as a prisoner of war and remained in captivity for 5 years. In October 1945, he was assigned to the 1st Reinforcement and Training Center, then to the Adjutant General's Department. He was promoted to Captain-Commander in 1948 and was then assigned to the Army Education Center. In November 1950, he enlisted in the Korea Volunteer Corps. He assumes the functions of adjutant-major. He was promoted to Major in March 1952 and acquired the title of BEM (Breveté d'Etat-Major) after 2 years at the Ecole de Guerre. In November 1952, he was given command of the 1st Parachute Battalion. He was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in March 1956 and received command of the Para Commando Regiment in July 1956. He held this position until May 1960. On this date, he was promoted to Colonel to command the Metropolitan Forces of Ruanda-Urundi (COMRU). He returned to Belgium in August 1962 and was assigned to the General Staff of the Land Force. In November 1962, he was appointed aide-de-camp to the King, a function which he combined with his other military obligations. In October 1965, he was promoted to General-Major to exercise the functions of head of the Military Technical Cooperation Mission with the Democratic Republic of Congo and military adviser to General Mobutu, commander of the Congolese National Army. He fulfilled this double mission until March 1968. In September 1968, he became operational commander of the FDI (Forces de Défense de l'intérieur). In January 1972, having reached the age limit, he retired. Major General Edouard-Paul Delperdange died on November 19, 1989."