Cryptonym: UNSNAFU-12
A cable from Paris in December of 1963 stated that UNSNAFU-12 had apparently said that Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with President Kennedy's assassination.
A cable in October, 1964, requested that the CIA in Paris to "please watch UNSIERRA carefully since Marta Frayde and NIELOPE (note: Gustavo Arcos) close friends."
04/29/59: FBI memo from Director to Director, Office of Security, Department of State: Subject: COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF CASTRO REGIME IN CUBA: INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA: Pages 8-9: ..."Martha Frayde Barraque: He received information on April 17, 1959, that Martha Frayde was leaving Cuba on April 18, 1959, to join the group accompanying Castro in the United States...Frayde was carrying an official passport, was traveling as the Director of National Hospital of Cuba and was described as a very good friend of the Cuban Communist Party and active in front groups in Cuba. Her full name is reported to be Martha Frayde Barraque."
Cuba109 Correspondence DOS 2006-03-22 Release
"The National Peace Committee (Comite Nacional por la Paz) was established on December 4, 1959, as an affiliate of the Soviet-sponsored World Peace Council (WPC). Members of the Executive Committee of the National Peace Committee are Juan Marinello, PSP President and WPC member; Nicolas Guillen, Communist poet; Marta Frayde...The committee's first acts were to extend greetings to peace movements throughout the world and to call for national homage to the late President Frederic Joliot-Curie, a well-known French Communist. The main function of the committee has been to sponsor a meeting of peace committees from several Latin American countries which was held in Habana March 12-15, 1960..."
08/06/61: CIA document: Titled: REPORT NO. 6-1053: Page 3: ..."CUBA...Dr. MARTHA FRAYDE, Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples..."
12/13/62: Cable from Paris to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN UNRUMBLE UNBOUND: Page 4: ..."6. During course cafe meeting another UNBOUNDER joined group and continued debrief UNRUMBLE-2 (Pedro Ruiz Quintero) about Latins in PARI and UNSNAFU-2. UNRUMBLE-2 stated did not know while no names mentioned, UNBOUND probably referring to UNSIGMA. UNRUMBLE-2 negative and vague replies brought meeting to end. In process however UNRUMBLE-2 became aware UNBOUND fairly well informed Cuban activities PARI including intimate affairs inside embassy such as recent fight between ambassador and UNSNAFU-12. UNSNAFU-8 (Manuel Ramon Morales Menendez) probably source this info..."
09/19/63: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: Page 4: ...."12. Mrs. AMLEO-3 has also mentioned that UNSNAFU-12 was most kind to her during her recent home leave in Cuba, and made it quite clear she was anxious to get in touch with AMLEO-3 (Captain Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez). During the latter part of August Mrs. A-3 again mentioned to her husband that UNSNAFU-12 had written Identity B from Paris stating she was surprised at not having heard from AMLEO-3..."
104-10103-10250: 18 OCT-18 NOV AMLASH HIGHLIGHTS, PARIS
11/27/63: Cable from Paris to Director: Slugline KAPOK KEYWAY PBRUMEN UNSIERRA: (handwritten: "Wainwight EOB"): "UNSIERRA highlights period 18 Oct thru 18 Nov 63: 1. 21 Oct. UNSNAFU/16 states Flora Diaz Parrado to be promoted to minister rank and retired at same time. She to receive retirement pay abroad (i.e. in France). UNSNAFU/12 very bitter about this unusual action. 2. 29 Oct targets visited by Jao Santiago. Santiago complains bitterly that Gramatges trying to fire him. States she writing letter to important officials in Cuba exposing situation in embassy. Santiago states embassy received letter from one Mr. Touzet (Comment: of Touzet Laboratories, Paris) who taking court action freeze embassy Hurricane Flora relief bank account. Action based on expropriated Touzet property in Cuba. Santiago states he will withdraw relief fund from bank on 30 Oct. If he can. UNSNAFU-16 mentions embassy may have to move. (Comment: This subject has been mentioned several times UNSIERRA and UNSOX but no definite word as yet. Liaison has been queried). UNSNAFU/12 states Mario Garcia (handwritten: Varela, the code clerk??, INT CI DDI Rpt 3 SO/N) was recalled to Cuba and states he drinking heavily. 3. 30 Oct. UNSNAFU/12 complains bitterly about official visitors to Paris and how they denigrate revolution. States she wishes she had concealed tape recorder to record these conversations. She includes Papipo Serguera (as transcriber) and Rolando Cubelas in this group. 4. 7 Nov. Wilfredo Lam visits. Telephone call from Edith Sorel in which Sorel states 'Franqui is leaving on the 12th. Lam confirms this, stating Franqui wrote Lam saying he coming PARI, LOND, then Prague and HAVA. Mention of Tete Casuso and fear Casuso will try talk with Lam and UNSNAFU/12." (CONTINUED BELOW)
104-10103-10250: 18 OCT-18 NOV AMLASH HIGHLIGHTS, PARIS
"(Comment: Via UNRUMBLE/2 (Pedro Ruiz Quintero), PARI having Casuso attempt talk with both Lam and UNSNAFU/12). Lam discussed possible trip to Spain but states he would only go with diplomatic passport for fear of arrest. 5. 9 Nov. UNSNAFU/12 gives HAVA address of Nay Revnelta: Calle 22 No. 3704, 3/37 Y 41, Miramar tele 25936. UNSNAFU/16 states 'any day now we will be given 30 days to move out of the embassy.' 6. 12 Nov. UNSNAFU/12 reacts to Juan Marinello appointment with anger, frustration, and tears. (Comment: Apparently feels betrayed but no firm indication what course of action she will take). 7. 13 Nov. More talk about Marinello. UNSNAFU/12 states she feels desperate and will attend to her private affairs. UNSNAFU/16 states she may bring evidence of embassy chaos and corruption home for safekeeping and UNSNAFU/12 encourages her to do so. Andres Moreno, who visiting, states Corona may have trouble being accepted by French in view his Communist agitator past. States Corona has seen French Ambassador (Unintelligible) several times (unintelligible) support for his nomination. UNSNAFU/12 comments that Fidel Castro making personnel changes now so that when Khrushchev visits Cuba it will imply his tacit acknowledgement of these changes. UNSNAFU/12 mentions that Fidel is afraid of her because of recordings of conversations which took place in 1958 which UNSNAFU/12 has in her possession. (Comment: No further clarification and possibly be typical UNSNAFU/12 boasting). Further comment about Marinello and UNSNAFU/12 states she may have to vacate apartment. States 'we will find something but I don't believe we will be here for many more months.' 3. Comment. Scattered comments through out later transcripts to effect that many personnel changes going on in Cuba and that told 26 July people seem to be gaining strength. UNSNAFU/12 seems feel that Marinello and Corona being sent abroad to get rid of them for a while."
12/10/63: Cable from Paris to Director: Slugline RYBAT GPFLOOR: "1. UNSIERRA for 24 and 25 Nov gives target reaction to Kennedy assassination. UNSNAFU/12 and UNSNAFU/16 appear happy about it, and sorry for Oswald. Comment that Oswald is 'dead duck' since to be judged in Texas. 25 Nov after Oswald shot, UNSNAFU/12 states Oswald poor boy and 'he had nothing to do with Kennedy's murder.' Targets laugh when hearing of Chinese reaction to assassination. 2. No index. C/S Comment: *Requested stations screen all audiotapes since 22 November 1963 for comments on assassination of President Kennedy."
10/02/64: Cable from Director to Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Mexico City: Slugline TYPIC NIFAGOTIN MHAPRON AMLASH AMWORLD: "1. Request careful watch and priority reporting NIELOPE activities and travel or planned travel due to his recently reported involvement with AMLASH-1 (Rolando Cubela Secades) group and effort this group to establish contact with AMWORLD. Please report any travel also on Cmdte. Efigenio Ameijeiras Delgado...Seems possible Braet's Soviet connections during trip NYC may involve diamond, gold, or narcotics smuggling in which NIELOPE (Gustavo Arcos) reported involved...3. For PARI: Please watch UNSIERRA carefully since Marta Frayde and NIELOPE close friends...ODCOIL (Federal Bureau of Narcotics) and ODBOON (Customs) info in MEXI City indicated NIELOPE's poss involvement heroin smuggling circa April 1963..."
04/20/77: Memo from Chris Hopkins, LAD/Task Force (JFK): "The sensitive source cited in paragraph 4, page 29, of Book V - Final Report of SSC to Study Governmental Operations (REDACTION) in Paris, France encrypted UNSIERRA. It is defunct and the files are retained in Archives in Warrenton. The French Desk will order for us if needed. A copy of the referenced communication, PARI 1664 (IN 69266) dated 27 November 1963, is attached. It was located in Volume 4 of Rolando Cubela's official file, 201-252234. UNSNAFU-12, cited in paragraph 3 of that cable, is Marta Frayde, a Cuban alternate delegate to UNESCO and an unwitting FI source at that time. Please note that a copy of this cable was provided to Mr. Breckinridge to carry to a meeting on 11 June 1976 with Senators Hart and Schweiker."