Cryptonym: TPRANSACK
104-10528-10090: TRADE UNION SEMINAR
10/3/63, Director to Mexico City, re trade union seminar of FIOPP between Nov. 18-29. The Sec'y/Treasurer of the American Newspaper Guild agreed that Mexico was an appropriate alternate site. Arturo Blancas could be the seminar coordinator if this change is successful. Mexico City can advise if this is a good plan. Various information in this memo was obtained by review of 104-10528-10092, which provided information used in this cable.
11/22/63 cable MEXI 7011 from Mexico City to Director: "John Sloan, FIOPP Interamerican rep informed by Rafael Guillen that FIOPP Freedom of Press chairman named by military junta as ambassador to Spain and Victor Caceres Lara editorial writer El Dia named Postmaster General...request answer prior 24 Nov for KUWOLF discussions with FIOPP cochairman Charles A. Perlik on Freedom of Press committee utilization."
According to WAVE sources AMRAZOR-1 and AMBUCKLE-1, AMPALM-26/Salvador DIAZ VERSON stated (he) planned (to) depart WAVE area 20 Nov 63 in order attend seminar Federacion Internacional de Peridostas Profesionales (FIOPP) held 18-29 Nov 63."
11/23/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline DTDORIC TPRANSACK PBRUMEN: "1. Alles delayed by IAPA conference activities, departed by air 20 Nov. Diaz Verson departed 18 Nov. Both have full expenses paid by FIOPP. 2. Suggest handling ops contacts through Alles who has POA and is fully responsive WAVE. Use 'friend of Ricardo in Miami' as bona fides. Diaz Verson is professional anti-Communist and one time police chief under Batista who in touch with WAVE through cutout, but will cooperate with Alles. 3. AIP originally press section DMR, WAVE-subsidized teachers group, but gradually became WAVE outlet for across-board prop placement. 4. FIOPP official endorsement at Apr 63 meeting of value for prestige purpose. PLS attempt avoid discussion this matter at seminar. FYI AIP openly anti-Communist but otherwise scrupulously attempts avoid politics. 5. No indexing. C/S Comment: Appreciate knowing what WAVE assets attending seminar."
1994.06.17.11:39:43:350005: Reel 47, Folder K - MEXI CABLES 6900 - 7154 CABLES.
11/25/63 cable MEXI 7066 from Mexico City to Director, slugline DTDORIC TPRANSACK: "First week November La Nacion played article sourced AIP (Cuban exile information service) charging leadership new banana federation Communists. Many (of) these trained (by) AIFLD (note: The American Institute for Free Labor Development - an AFL-CIO project funded by CIA) and noted for democratic unionism. FIOPP involved since AIP carries its initials on masthead (of) all releases as sponsor without FIOPP authority...United Fruit subsequently reproduced La Nacion article and distributed to Banana Fed workers. Effect of article has damaged FIOPP image (within) Central American labor and placed strain (on) its relations with IFPAAW." Duplicate version: 104-10097-10014.
11/29/63: WAVE 8283 from JMWAVE to Director, slugline DTDORIC TPRANSACK: "Request stations recheck allegations AIP not recommended by FIOPP as stated AIP format. WAVE records contain FIOPP resolution approved by assembly at (Panama City) 16 Apr 63 and clip from El Dia 1 Nov 63 which published letter by John K. Sloan confirming FIOPP recommendation (of) AIP to its members. Pouching document at clip to (Panama City), (Mexico City) and Director...(WAVE) has some influence through AIP officials, one of whom (is) Augustin Alles now MEXI. Alles advises that FIOPP willing send letters to LA newspapers confirming endorsement of AIP if latter agrees to delete same from format. Fernando J. Carrandi, AIP Director, feels this tantamount surrender to Communist pressure and inappropriate action for 'seminar', but will submit it to WAVE instructions. WAVE would prefer AIP continue carry FIOPP endorsement, but if not possible under circumstances, request that action be limited to personal letter with no publicity. WAVE primary concern is avoid blow AIP prestige vis-a-vis LA outlets..." Chief of Station comment: "Ops meetings? held with FIOPP cover associates - as of 26 Nov seminar progressing and under control."
Commission Exhibit 659 - FBI Letterhead Memorandum of 2 March 1964
2/27/64: Salvador DIAZ VERSON, a Miami resident, was interviewed by the FBI. Diaz Verson said "he is a Cuban exile, formerly associated with the Cuban police in 1933 (note: Diaz Verson neglected to tell them he was Chief of the Cuban National Police in 1934 - see his MFF entry under his cryptonym AMPALM-26), Chief of Cuban Military Intelligence Service between 1948 and 1952, but primarily a newsman by profession. He had been previously interviewed (by the FBI) on January 4 and 9, 1964, on which dates he had furnished data that he had obtained of the International Federation of Professional Newspaper Organizations (FIOPP) in Mexico City, from November 20 to November 29, 1963..." On Feb. 29, after further interview, Diaz Verson admitted that his January statements to the FBI were "slightly at variance" with his statements in February..."he stated that he had engaged in loose talk and repeated theory and speculation, and when challenged as to his sources, he was ashamed to admit an irresponsible naming of sources...Diaz Verson said he was extremely distressed and ashamed of his irresponsible talk as he is a professional newsman. He said he writes for AHORA, a Spanish language newspaper in New York, and writes special articles for various other Spanish language periodicals."
104-10335-10001: Memo from AARB Executive Director to CIA Historical Group Director, May 30, 1995
This document was sent by Assassinations Records and Review Board Executive Director David Harwell to the Director of the CIA Historical Review Group John Pereira. It offers a list of Agency cryptonyms and pseudonyms and requests officials to provide the corresponding true names or a general description of the type intelligence relationship the related person, group, or location had with official projects. The document states TPRANSACK was the International Federation of Journalists.