Cryptonym: TPMURILLO
A cable on the writer Joachim Joesten, in September of 1964, included the slugs KUDESK (Counter Intelligence - CI - division of CIA), TPMURILLO and CATIDE (West German Foreign Intelligence Service - BND).
CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 56: ..."Term: TPMURILLO. Definition: TPMURILLO (1964-74) provided personnel to conduct research on the Soviet Union based on information in overt sources with special emphasis on Soviet services, personnel, and operations. Aleks Kurgvel associated with Project..."
09/30/64: Cable from Director to multiple addresses (Orig: Paul Hartman, CI/R&A): Slugline RYBAT/KUDESK/TPMURILLO/CATIDE: "1. (Unintelligible) traces Joachim Joesten DPOB 29 Jul 07 Cologne. After entire adult career and author CA 30 books and numerous newspaper articles, post-WWII works very anti-KUBARK (CIA). Last book title - Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Has written under true name and under pseudonyms: Franz von Nesselrode; H. F. (Unintelligible); Walter Kell; Paul Delathuis. 2. According captured Gestapo docs he joined German CP on (unintelligible) May 32 and had membership No. 532315. Owned lending library and some time after May 32 went USSR where remained until (unintelligible) 33. During absence his library managed by fiancée Anna (Unintelligible). Last residence Germany Berlin...3. In May 33 fled to France. Was in COPE 36-37 but expelled...Left Denmark for France via Iceland. In 40 in Sweden, married May Nilsson, came US via USSR in 41 and naturalized citizen since 42 (?). 4. Would appreciate as full a check as possible, including local services and available overt local pre-WWII references (press, books, etc) on Joesten and fiancée. 5. For BRLN: PLS also check DDC and request photostats any docs. Can address and name Hess be checked? Any chance locate fiancée? 6. All addressees PLS handle request urgently as matter also of interest to Warren Commission. Cable summary results and pouch details including all copies available Joesten pre-WWII writings..."
08/23/72: Memo from Withheld, Chief, CI Support to Chief, Contract Personnel Division: Subject: Request for Renewal of Contract: "1. It is requested that the contract of Mario K. Giordano be extended until his retirement date of 13 September 1974. 2. His performance as a CI analyst under the aegis of project TPMURILLO has been most satisfactory.