Cryptonym: TP
00/00/76: SSCIA document: Proprietaries: Page 90: "VI: Project MHBOUND: In 1958, at the time construction of the new CIA headquarters building in Langley was begun, a small counterintelligence operation was established to maintain surveillance of activities to prevent hostile penetration and sabotage. It was successful in its objectives and, therefore, upon occupancy of the building in 1962 the Project, now known as MHBOUND, was established as an outgrowth of the initial effort. From a single office in Arlington, Virginia, the project expanded to four field offices (Arlington, Falls Church, Los Angeles and St. Louis). Also, it grew from a single corporate entity into three separate corporations. The parent organization in 1962 was Anderson Enterprises, Inc., which operated in the greater Washington area and was set up to create a bona fide commercial corporation which would perform security services on a competitive basis for any and all individuals and companies which might require them, as well as Federal and local government units. In addition, it would conduct operations for the Office of Security of the CIA. This activity proved most successful, with customers utilizing it for document destruction, for consultation, for guard work, and for investigations...In addition to the conduct of investigations, MHBOUND was used in the following activities: (a) TPOCTONAL - cover monitoring of construction of CIA headquarters building...(c) TAPIR - covert monitoring of construction of CIA printing services building; (d) ZULU - surveillance of DOD civilian employees suspected to be potential defectors to Soviets; (e) STPROBE - testing security effectiveness at domestic DDS&T sites and contractor facilities; (f) MERRIMAC - monitoring of dissident groups in D.C.; *This particular project and other aspects of MHBOUND's domestic activities are treated in greater detail in the Committee's Staff Report dealing with the operations of MHBOUND."