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Cryptonym: SCOMBER

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SCOMBER was the Consejo. A PBSUCCESS Progress Report on 15 June, 1954, stated that "LINCOLN currently plans to accredit Wellbank as the SCOMBER (Consejo) representative with President Osorio of El Salvador."
A telegram on 17 June, 1954, for Graham L. Page (probably Henry Hecksher) mentioned that an attempt should be made to "arrange Wellbank solidly placed as local consejo rep." Moreover, a cable in April of 1954 stated that it should be ensured that Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) was committed to and dedicated to the Guatemala operation, and was closely controlled by SCOMBER. In addition, a telegram in June, 1954, mentioned that SCOMBER had assured a withheld identity "of the fullest support within its capabilities, including all its assets." Furthermore, SCOMBER was "practically certain of its control over SYNCARP (The "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna) to almost guarantee its fullest support."


03/05/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: Slugline RYBAT PBSUCCESS: FOR LUGTON AND/OR ONTRICH: "1. Stress strongest terms to Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) importance compartmentation and need to know on all ops activity as SCOMBER greatly concerned security current plans and movements. 2. Pivall reports (REDACTION) had been subject recruitment by WSBURNT (Guatemala) consul San Pedro Sula who stated they had three penetrations Calligeris org. 3. Endeavor determine identities all SYNCARP (Note: The "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna) personnel most likely in contact with WSBURNT consul conducting local investigation. Who is (REDACTION)?"


03/13/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: Slugline RYBAT/PBSUCCESS: "1. The following unconfirmed report received from ESSENCE on 8 Mar from an unidentified source described by him as usually accurate: A group of high military officers will soon hold meeting with Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) representative at Guanagayapa (approximately 16 km ESE of Escuintla). Officers will issue ultimatum to C that he take action now or near future or they will proceed without him. Eval: C 3. ESSENCE trying identify officers, date of meeting, etc. 2. Request C comments. Emphasize dangers any such meetings, possibility of provocation, possibility revelation op details to enemy. If report true, request no meeting be held until full SCOMBER agreement."


04/07/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: Slugline RYBAT PBSUCCESS: "1. Ref message is operational therefore should be action LINC Info DIR. Desist direct to DIR unless clearly HQs action outside PBSUCCESS. 2. Keep Ontrich (Nestor Sanchez) fully informed all SKILLET/REDACTION matters. 3. Inform SKILLET (Whiting Willauer, U.S. Ambassador to Honduras) his aid greatly appreciated and LINC confident he will protect his official position throughout. Specifically advise him: A. Avoid WSHOOFS (Honduras) direct control over arms as could greatly hamper our operations. (REDACTION) must be assured our ability to control SYNCARP (Note: The "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna). B. Plans contemplate rapid deployment arms but must be careful to avoid revealing approximately 'D' Day to (REDACTION). C. Attempt remove all doubt Calligeris/REDACTION relationship. Ensure Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) committed and dedicated to WSBURNT (Guatemala) operation and is closely controlled by SCOMBER. D. Ensure (REDACTION) he not going alone regardless (REDACTION) position as (REDACTION) and powerful ODYOKE (U.S. Government) group behind him all the way. Reiterate that SYNCARP's success is vital future his country as failure would greatly endanger WSHOOFS from WSBURNT Communist revolutionary action. Instill thought stability WSHOOFS dependent upon removal Communist threat WSBURNT. 4. Keep up good work in keeping us well informed."


05/08/54: Cable from Director to Sr. Rep. LINCOLN (Orig: J. D. Esterline, Unit: WH): Slugline RYBAT/PBSUCCESS: ..."E. Which if any of the personages listed in para C, page 4 of the 'appreciation brief' do we now have reason, i.e. evidence, to convince us they have now signed up or indicated that they have gone over to SCOMBER. F. When can we expect to get full report from Page sufficient to reveal to us exact degree success or failure his defection efforts and what caused him to leave WSBURNT (Guatemala) so rapidly..." Releasing Officer: Frank G. Wisner, Deputy Director (Plans).


05/28/54: Cable from Director to Senior Rep., LINCOLN (Orig: Frank G. Wisner, Unit: DD/P): Slugline RYBAT/PBSUCCESS: ..."3. Re para 3B and paras 4 and 5 of Ref A, the net of this appears inevitably to involve linkage and exposure ODYOKE (U.S. Government) official interest in if not responsibility for SYNCARP (Note: The "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna), SCOMBER, SKIMMER (Note: The "Group," CIA cover organization supporting Carlos Castillo Armas), etc. If we are wrong please straighten us out giving your rationale." Releasing Officer: Frank G. Wisner, Deputy Director (Plans).

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954: Guatemala: Current Section: 186. 6/15/54-Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala

06/15/54: Telegram from Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to Guatemala Station: "3838. 1. Entirely possible situation rapidly developing which could very well become critical turning point in PBSUCCESS. Imperative we seek and apply maximum measures at this moment and force the issue. 2. (REDACTION) from your cables appears to be assuming leadership within army. Accordingly you should endeavor to impress upon him through ESQUIRE (per below) the following points which should be clarified and/or reiterated: A. He is covertly assured of fullest ODYOKE (U.S. Government) backing. B. SCOMBER (2) assures him of fullest support within its capabilities including all its assets. C. SCOMBER practically certain its control over SYNCARP (Note: The "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna) to almost guarantee its fullest support. D. The moral issue of avoiding bloodshed at this moment—practically zero hour—is so overwhelming that he must impress upon his followers within the army action must be taken at once to avoid the most terrible bloodshed in WSBURNT (Guatemala) history. Anti-Communist forces are now well organized and rapidly gaining in power—both externally and internally—and are completely dedicated to gaining control and will not be dissuaded regardless of the price in blood or treasure until success is obtained...8. Request you contact ESQUIRE soonest briefing him on your info re (REDACTION) alleged activities asking him to confirm same. Based upon results this verification proceed to guide ESQUIRE on basis above guidance consistent with your best judgment: attempting to ascertain in what way SCOMBER may be of greatest assistance to him if in fact this is a critical moment. If unconfirmed and (REDACTION) not in fact assuming leadership of opposition officer corps and no urgency present then await return of Page on 16 June to resume handling of K-Program."


06/15/54: Memorandum to Withheld: Subject: Progress Report - PBSUCCESS for the Period 8-14 June 1954: "I. Operational: The following events of operational significance occurred during the reporting period...J. LINCOLN currently plans to accredit Wellbank as the SCOMBER (Consejo) representative with President Osorio of El Salvador..."

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954: Guatemala: Current Section: 194. 6/17/54-Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]

06/17/54: Telegram from Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to Withheld Station: "3953. ..."For Page. 1. Regret PAA stoppage and problems your return WSBURNT (Guatemala). 2. Speed with which events moving plus increased vigilance, tensions and general unrest now such that your return inadvisable. 3. Appreciate your disappointment which we share in losing opportunity close in for kill but unavoidable bad break. 4. If you can get documented for DTFROGS (El Salvador), proceed there soonest to stay through 19 June when SWALLOW expected. Try arrange Wellbank solidly placed as local consejo rep. With high DTFROGS rep possibly Jurant. Wellbank met SWALLOW 14 June but believe you can help consolidate his position. 5. Advise if can make arrangements and ETA. LINC will notify (REDACTION). If you unable go DTFROGS return LINC."

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954: Guatemala: Current Section: 193. 6/17/54-Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

06/17/54: Telegram from Guatemala Station to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida: "...In view critical situation, ripe psychological moment and in compliance requests made reference, and since did not know when ESQUIRE would arrive, Bannister made cold approach (REDACTION) on morning 15 June. (REDACTION) convinced Bannister pilot who had come with special instructions from Consejo for fast action part of (REDACTION). Knows Bannister only by true first name. 2. (REDACTION) firmly told that time is come, that he get moving, take over army, and that time last opportunity for army to salvage its honor and even existence. 3. He agreed. Added he and SUMAC–2 fully working together and would draw up plan of action. Wanted STANDEL–1 (Colonel Carlos Enrique Diaz) eliminated by Consejo or Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) people. Was told that this his problem and he expected to handle. If impossible take care one man what percentage have army. 4. Second meeting with ESQUIRE and Bannister morning 16 June. Said he and SUMAC–2 sure they can take over army but will need show of strength on part of opposition...Suggest at least one loud bomb on hippodrome. They plan seize control from Diaz and Dove. 6. (REDACTION) said all gear dropped Guatelon was turned over by campesinos to Guardia Civil who handed it to army. Army very frightened sight these weapons. Was told this was psychological drop for that purpose but that real drops also being made. Told he better move fast. He agreed. Said he would put guards around all Embassies as soon as they move so that foe cannot escape. Said Arbenz, Commies, and enemies will be executed. 7. After meeting he departed to meet SUMAC–2 and then proceed line up regimental commanders in capital...9. In view change from negotiations to action you will appreciate impossibility reinserting Page in contact chain."

Gavin McDonald

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