Cryptonym: RNLABILE
A cable in March 11, 1954, suggested that "RNLABILE offer technical and financial aid to (REDACTION) for preparation propaganda aimed at WSBURNT (Guatemala) labor. Distribution within WSBURNT to be undertaken by (REDACTION). 2. RNLABILE should undertake sponsorship radio time in MEXI for (REDACTION) and WSBURNT labor exiles for PBSUCCESS purposes. 3. Suggest RNLABILE approach (REDACTION) to buy radio time under name in WSBURNT with his financial support."
A cable in July, 1954, made reference to RNLABILE's "stable of writers." A report on Operation PBSUCCESS in around November, 1954, mentioned that RNLABILE was one of three press outlets that a withheld identity had (LIBETHENITE-4 and RNSHIELD being the other two).
A cable from Mexico City in January of 1960 stated that "RNLABILE alerting all press collaborators for sustained exploitation. Artime overjoyed prospects and apparently handling self well."
Anne Goodpasture's history of the CIA's Mexico City Station mentioned that RNLABILE was among the cryptonyms and pseudonyms exposed in Mexico City in December 1960, when two briefcases were stolen from CIA operative Samuel G. Orrison (Stanley M. Moos).
Undated CIA document: Subject: Utilization of ORIT for PBSUCCESS Purposes: "1. As directed Mission (REDACTION) has developed contact with ORIT headquarters utilizing the services of RNLABILE. 2. At present RNLABILE is working toward developing joint efforts with ORIT, that is RNLABILE would aid in the preparation of anti-BGGYPSY (the nation of Russia and Russian connected operations) materials and use ORIT facilities for distribution...4. Based on the foregoing ORIT estimate the following suggestions are advanced. a. RNLABILE work toward closer collaboration with Secretary General Monge of ORIT with the view of working toward increased activity concerning the WSBURNT (Guatemala) situation...b. RNLABILE should attempt after proper cultivation of Monge to have ORIT introduce more controversial articles and actual anti-WSBURNT propaganda. This undoubtedly would induce the WSBURNT Government to suppress the travels and propaganda of ORIT personnel. This would bring down the wrath of ORIT and its parent organization ICFTU which numbers more than 50,000,000 members throughout the world..."
02/03/54: Air Dispatch from Withheld to Chief, Western Hemisphere: Subject: General: KUGOWN Operations. Specific: Comite Central de Obreros Anti-Comunistas: "1. For the information of Headquarters, LINCOLN (CIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters, a forward base in Florida), and Station Guatemala, there is herewith forwarded a photocopy of correspondence recently received by RNLABILE from the Comite Central de Obreros Anti-Comunistas, 4a Avenida Morte, No. 18, Guatemala, C. A. 2. As Headquarters is aware, and for the information of LINCOLN and Station Guatemala, RNLABILE has initiated a propaganda program directed towards Latin American labor organization with the cooperation and assistance of (REDACTION). This Comite was one of a list of addressees in Latin America suggested to RNLABILE by (REDACTION) as possible recipients of propaganda material. (REDACTION) Boyd I. Rolender." - - - Page 2: Handwritten "RNLABILE. MEXICO, D. F. MEXICO."
02/11/54: Cable from Withheld to Director (Info: LINCOLN): ..."E. Have RNLABILE, in newsletter, place story re announcement Pedro Estrada, head of Venezuelan security police that he 'had evidence that Communists, on instructions from abroad, will try to disrupt the Caracas conference...'"
02/22/54: Air dispatch from LINCOLN to Chief, Western Hemisphere: Subject: General: KUGOWN - PBSUCCESS. Specific: Hemisphere Conference in Mexico, April, 1954. (Congreso de los Vencedores del Comunismo): Attachment: From Page 7 onward: ..."10. Personnel: A. (REDACTION), Tolking, RNSHIELD, LIBETHENITE-4, LIONIZER (Committee for the Liberation of Guatemala, and was a Guatemalan refugee group in Mexico), RNLABILE...RNLABILE - (REDACTION) an anti-Communist front which publishes a front paper; he would be invited by (REDACTION) to participate...RNLABILE: In contact with RNSHIELD and also will be in contact with (REDACTION)...The motivation of (REDACTION) sincere desire to rid his country of the Soviet menace. The same may be said of LIBETHENITE-4. RNSHIELD and RNLABILE, though sincerely anti-Communist, are also riding the trend for selfish political reasons..."
03/11/54: Cable from Director to Withheld: Slugline RYBAT/PBSUCCESS: "1. To support labor aspects PBSUCCESS (project to overthrow - "without bloodshed, if possible" - the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954) suggest RNLABILE offer technical and financial aid to (REDACTION) for preparation propaganda aimed at WSBURNT (Guatemala) labor. Distribution within WSBURNT to be undertaken by (REDACTION). 2. RNLABILE should undertake sponsorship radio time in MEXI for (REDACTION) and WSBURNT labor exiles for PBSUCCESS purposes. 3. Suggest RNLABILE approach (REDACTION) to buy radio time under name in WSBURNT with his financial support. Possibility that purchase such time will be allowed if script presented concerned purely union matters. Objective to make WSBURNT labor aware of outside support of their interests by anti-Communists. If WSBURNT Govt refuses radio time would give additional fuel anti-Communist propaganda and strengthen (REDACTION) opposition. Might move other Latin American fence-sitters on issue of suppression free trade unionism. 4. Following themes should be emphasized under paras 1 and 2: A. Support of all non-Communists by (REDACTION). B. Mass of LA labor against Communist suppression of revolution of 1944. C. Wholehearted support of trade union objectives within WSBURNT. D. Indications of warm welcome for defectors from COTG by pro-democratic labor. E. Play up any specific cases of good care of WSBURNT labor exiles by Mexican labor or (REDACTION). 5. Cable replies requested concerning all actions taken ref this MSG." Releasing Officer: J. C. King, C/WH. Coordinating Officer: C. T. Barnes. Authenticating Officer: J. Esterline.
04/01/54: Cable from LINCOLN to Director: Slugline RYBAT PBSUCCESS: "1. Request (REDACTION) prepare material re Belize controversy aimed at exacerbating Mexican nationalism to detriment WSBURNT (Guatemala) just prior 15 May congress. Theme might be played as follows: WSBURNT pretensions to Belize valid sample aggressive and expansionist traits learned at hands Soviet masters. 2. Suggest RNLABILE handle, place."
07/09/54: Cable from Withheld to Director: Slugline RYBAT JMSWAG: RE: DIR 07889 (OUT 60000): "1. General attitude Mexican press favorable new GUAT regime, ousting of commies. Pro-Arbenz groups threaten to keep issue alive but no activity during past week. 2. Student manifestation 2 July had little support. Considered by press to be failure. 3. Current main issues in Mexico: GUAT commies in Mexican Embassy, possibility Mexico may grant asylum. RNSHIELD protesting via daily stories in (REDACTION) and (REDACTION). 4. In addition above, we pushing ref themes, atrocity stories. RNLABILE stable of writers to handle general themes. ESMERALDITE to do pamphlet on oppression GUAT labor under commies, hope for future. (REDACTION) to do story (REDACTION) on Cruz Wer and Rosenberg. SUMMIT, (REDACTION), all possible outlets, to handle atrocity angle which we consider of immediate importance. 5. For atrocity stories we need all possible material and photos soonest. RNSHIELD has requested material from Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas) group with no success to date. We recommend RNSHIELD travel GUAT soonest for 4 days to gather material. Also request authority have RNLABILE send (REDACTION) to GUAT same reason. If no objections, request approval return cable..."
Circa 11/16/54: Report on Project PBSUCCESS: Page 140: ..."PT/9: (REDACTION) in Mexico cooperates fully with (REDACTION) in addition to this, (REDACTION) has three press outlets, namely through LIBETHENITE-4, through RNLABILE, and through RNSHIELD. (REDACTION) has been very successful in planting materials in the Mexico Press. Estimated Cost: $600.00..."
01/20/60: Cable from Mexico City to Director (Info: Handwritten "Toomey" at end): "1. MEXI gave Artime 3,000 pesos to hire public relations man. 2. 20 January 4 p.m. holding reception for press. Universal, Universal Grafico, Novedades, Excelsior, UPI, AF and Valseca chain have accepted. Appearing television guest Guillermo Vela's Chrysler Plymouth newscast 2100 hours 20 Jan. Private interview Daniel James for Sat eve post 20 Jan. 3. Have alerted Gerry A. Regichalo (?) Chicago Sun Times for feature article. RNLABILE alerting all press collaborators for sustained exploitation. Artime overjoyed prospects and apparently handling self well. Will follow in more concrete results. Will mail clips major (?) station..."
December 1960 - Pages 345-346: ..."A survey of the damage caused by the loss of the briefcases, dated December 1960, indicated that (REDACTION - refers to Samuel Orrison) not only had classified data on current operations but documents and data on CA operations dating back several years. Among the missing papers were the true names of the following CIA employees: Joseph Baker, Gerald Droller, Jacob D. Esterline, John Heyn, David A. Phillips, Grace Roberts, Stannard K. Short, Jack Stewart, Philip Toomey, E. Howard Hunt, and William Kent. The following official cryptonyms and pseudonyms were compromised: AMCIGAR (Frente Revolucionario Democratico - FRD - Executive Committee), AMGUPPY-1 (Ricardo Rafael Sardinas Sanchez), AMHAWK-1 (Manuel Antonio - Tony - de Varona) and 2 (Jesus Exposito Lorenzo), AMRASP (FRD), AMWAIL (Agrapucion Montecristi), AMWAIL-1 (Justo Carrillo Hernandez) through 12, JMASH (Forward operating base - CIA, Miami), Samuel G. Orrison (note: Stanley Moos) (pseudonym for (REDACTION) and Walter C. Twicker (pseudonym for Hunt)...The following miscellaneous agents and contacts were also identified in the missing papers: AMSAIL-1 (Carlos Fernandez Trujillo), LIMASK, LITAINT-6, LITAINT-7 (Antonio Montanes), RNLABILE, Rodrigo B. Rodriguez, Raul E. Ruffo, Adolfo Desentis Ortega, Florencio R. Maya, Ray Fisk, and LIBELOW..." 11/16/78, Ann Goodpasture's Mexico City Station History. - - - 2022 release, page 148: