Cryptonym: QUOTA
11/24/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. Alfonso (Abeijon) Condes employed as part time language tutor by Anthony B. Weldrake summer 57 on arr MADR. SUBJ remained contact with Weldrake 57 thru 58 as personal friend. SUBJ being considered re informant student circles Univ MADR during period. Sometime 58 wed (Unintelligible) a girl named 'Chori' LNU and they went Caracas, (unintelligible) he employed by U.S. oil CO 58-61. Rumor 7 - His family (unintelligible) left Venezuela request gov. Also reportedly left (unintelligible). 2. On Subject's return Spain 61 saw Weldrake once or twice socially but because of Subject's changed attitude and lack moral turpitude all contact between Weldrake and SUBJ terminated. SUBJ worked for U.S. aluminium CO Alicante 61 and spring 61 arrested by QUOTA Service for fraud/debtor reasons. Check with QUOTA Service 61 by Weldrake revealed SUBJ had served Spanish Foreign Legion (unintelligible). Has court (unintelligible) record. 3. Weldrake recommends no CIA contact with SUBJ because of his past record, his instability, his lack moral turpitude, and his irresponsibility. Subject's father Antonio (Abeijon) owns apartment house Paseo Rosales MADR. Extensive property, hotel, Marbella, Spain, and reportedly wealthy. Alfonso 'black sheep' of family and father has disowned him. 4. Suggest MADR check QUOTA/QUANTUM archives full record Subject. 5. Re name traces Subject."
12/05/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN QUOTA: "1. Upon receipt Ref A/Odon Alvarez/QUMALT-1, WAVE initiated review status individuals concerned with IDEN A case with FOLL results: A. Ref C/Aldo Vera Serafin reflects MEXI efforts Jul-Aug 62 attempt defection IDEN A/Odon Alvarez/QUMALT-1. MEXI op based info received from IDEN B, close friend IDEN A who claimed latter was real defect providing necessary arrangements could be made exfiltrate or at least effect asylum's IDEN A's immediate family (REDACTION) Embassy PBRUMEN, which included IDEN A's 80 year old mother....WAVE supported op by contacting IDEN C via AMCLATTER-1 to assist with defection ops if needed. Op did not materialize due KUBARK (CIA) inability guarantee asylum or exfiltration. WAVE not having further use IDEN C dropped contact. B. As follow up Ref A WAVE again located IDEN C and AMCLATTER-1 instructed reestablish contact with same determine his willingness assist ODYOKE if needed with complex unidentified op. When contacted IDEN C offered assist any ODYOKE (U.S. Government) undertaking. To point up his willingness, IDEN C brought up his offer assist with IDEN A op in 1962. IDEN C not given any indication nature op but told stand by should his services be needed. C. WAVE located WAVE area another old friend and close acquaintance of IDEN A one IDEN D. WAVE currently attempting further identify IDEN D and assess him without, revealing specific interest re his utility IDEN A op. Will advise outcome WAVE assessment IDEN D. 2. It obvious crux of op is IDEN A's concern for welfare his family; whether GOC has permitted or will permit them join IDEN A MADR; or whether KUBARK can now guarantee conditions para 1 A above. 3. MEXI: Ref op directed against defection in place IDEN A/Odon Alvarez/QUMALT-1 who currently assigned MADR. Request availability IDEN B with defection?"
12/05/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN QUOTA: REF WAVE 8524 IN 74317: "IDEN A: - Odon (Alvarez) de la Campa. IDEN B: - (REDACTION). IDEN C: - Aldo (Vera) Serafin. IDEN D: - (REDACTION)."
12/05/63: Cable from Director to Madrid (Orig: John Scelso, Unit: C/WH/3): REF WAVE 8447 (IN 72832)* Slugline RYBAT GPFLOOR: "1. Please follow up this case. Suggest you have QUOTA question persons mentioned to see if any foundation at all to this story. Imperative that AMYUM-19 not be revealed as source, so suggest you have only Godinez, Baquero, and Canto questioned. Omit Canal, to avoid throwing suspicion on her friend AMYUM-19. 2. Please slug all traffic on assassination RYBAT GPFLOOR. C/S Comment: *Reported that on 22 November, AMYUM/19 (1) learned from Amparo (Godinez), owner of Bar 'Marquesa de Cuba' in Madrid overheard former Cuban journalist Gaston Basquero tell one Cuban (believed to be Rosendo (Canto) Hernandez, Editor of Accion Cubana that he received letter stating that GPIDEAL (2) would be killed that day."
12/10/63: Cable from Director to Madrid: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN QUOTA: "1. HQs pleased developments cited refs. IDEN A now QUMALT/1 (201-44994). IDEN B now QUHOPS/1 (201-737263). 2. QUMALT/1 known HQs. He was target of complicated defection attempt Mexico Aug 62. QUMALT/1 informed IDEN C of his desire defect MEXI en route Chile if conditions cited para 1 A of Ref C could be met. Before IDEN C made final pitch QUMALT/1 departed unexpectedly for return PBRUMEN (Cuba). Reportedly plane of QUMALT/1 departed as result defection of pilot in MEXI. HQs felt this incident possible provocation attempt due past history QUMALT/1 as fervent CP activist. Rated him possible disposal problem due his physical disability. Vera assessment dated Aug 62 stated QUMALT/1 not true CP member but born agitator who leery for own skin and always ready accept best deal. Stated QUMALT/1 has high praise for PBPRIME (U.S.) medical science. QUMALT/1 traveled to Red China Aug 62 with IDEN D who also QUMALT/1 in MEXI Aug 62. 3. POA in progress for IDEN A Ref B. Will cable additional places IDENS Ref B. *Forwarded: QUOTA/46 ops report against Cuban DIPS Spain. **Forwarded IDENS to above cable. ***Forwarded WAVE comments re subjects of above cables."
104-10098-10437: IDEN DEPARTED MEXICO
12/27/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN QUOTA: REF WAVE 8524 (IN 74317): "IDEN 3 of para three ref apparently has departed MEXI. Attempting to find present residence or when he will return MEXI. Will advise."
09/16/64: Cable from Madrid to Director: Slugline TYPIC YOBITE AMLASH AMWHIP MHAPRON ZRNICK: REF MADR 1681 IN 73706:..."4. Said AMLASH-2 (Jorge Carlos Robreno Marieguez) has numerous contacts PBRUMEN (Cuba) official circles Madrid, Paris, but working for QUOTA since he in bad standing with ODYOKE (U.S. Government). Hinted KUBARK (CIA) should be in touch AMLASH-2. However, Station has strong reservations against AMLASH-2, on security grounds and fact he out for gold, plus little evidence capability produce info of interest..."
02/16/65: Cable from Madrid to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN: "QUOTA-72 advised Spanish Foreign Office advised QUOTAS that AMBANG-1 plans travel MADR. No dates given. QUOTA-72 said they disposed to have close surveillance and monitor all of AMBANG-1 activities Spain. However, if Station so desired would not actively monitor his activities."
02/17/65: Cable from Director to Madrid (Orig: Thomas J. Flores, Unit: WH/SA/COPS): REF MADR 3168 (IN 81909)*: "No objection if QUOTAS surveil and monitor AMBANG/1 activities Madrid. Would appreciate reporting from QUOTAS and other sources AMBANG/1 activities. WH/SA Comment: *QUOTAS plan surveil and monitor AMBANG/1 during planned visit Spain, but will not do so if Station objects." - - - The unredacted version:
03/11/66: Cable MADR 7464 from Madrid to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN AMLASH QUSPORT QUOTA: REF MADR 7411 (IN 71389): "1. QUSPORT-1/Bichi Bernal reported QUOTA has invited him for 'informal chat' at local café evening 11 March to discuss extent involvement with AMLASH group and specifically whether he passed ops funds to AMLASH-1. Q-1 prepared say he made $200 personal loan to AMLASH-1 in Feb 65. Q-1 will further state his meets with AMLASH group members limited to social contact and normal curiosity re 'supposed plotting.' 2. Re charges of Q-1 being KUBARK (CIA) agent, Q-1 shall state he has met only Growery/probably Earl Williamson and Fahlanger on infrequent informal basis and deny ever received any salary or payment. 3. CO advised Q-1 have his wife call Station officer in event QUOTA detains him. Q-1 said AMLASH-2/Jorge Robreno told him QUOTA attempting keep Q-1 involvement from further public notice in view Q-1 father in law's position in British diplomatic service and already strained relations between Spain/Britain. 4. Station plans cut contact with Q-1 temporarily. 5. Hendrique and Brixnor met QUOTAs-37 and 71 on 11 Mar at latter's request regarding HAVA communique on activities of AMLASH group in MADR. (REDACTION) Ministry Interior has asked QUOTA prepare report this matter. Believe QUOTAS will submit low key report which not intended criticize KUBARK, however, have requested Station assistance in determining details arrival Spain following which alleged carried by 'El Gallego' Sanz. A. Silencers. B. Telescopic sight. C. Berreta pistols. D. Explosive material. 6. FYI: In early 1965 Q-1 reported. AMLASH-1/Rolando Cubela met with AMBANG-1/Manuel Ray who gave rifles and silencers to AMLASH-1. Q-1 said AMLASH-1 returned to Cuba with four FAL rifles and either three or six silencers and several Italian berretas. 7. Request advise what info if any Station should pass QUOTA by 14 Mar." Marginalia states: "A-Z going back to cover." Also at 104-10247-10421.
03/21/66: Cable from Madrid to Director: Slugline INTEL TYPIC: "SUPDATA source: ZRWAHOO para 1: QUDOZE; para 2: QUOTA. Project QUOTA...Source: Paragraph 1 - A member of the Cuban Embassy in Madrid who was present during the conversation. He is a usually reliable source and his information is believed to be accurate. Paragraph 2 - (REDACTION)." - - Pages 1-2: Information Intelligence Cable: "1. On 17 March 1966 Francisco Calzadilla Nunez, Cuban Charge d'Affaires in Madrid, was considering lodging a protest with the Spanish Government as a result of plotting in Madrid by the Artime group to assassinate Fidel Castro, as disclosed by the recent trial in Havana of Commandante Roland Cubela Secades and his followers. Calzadilla was awaiting instructions from his government as to the course of action to be followed. 2. Inasmuch as the Direccion General de Seguridad (DGS - Directorate General of Security) in Spain suspected that the Cuban Government might submit a protest, it detained Jorge Robreno Marieges for a short period of time so that it could be in a position to demonstrate that some action was taken as a result of information released during the Cubela trial. (Field Comment: Robreno is one of the persons presently in Spain alleged to have been involved in the recent conspiracy to assassinate Castro)..."
03/24/66: Cable from Madrid to Director: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN AMLASH QUSPORT: "1. On 17 Mar QUOTA phoned QUSPORT/1 (Q/1)/Bichi Bernal asking him appear that night. On arrival QUOTA office learned that AMLASH/2 (A/2)/Jorge Robreno had just undergone six hour interrogation and had signed declaration following argument with QUOTA officials. QUOTA told Q/1 they were about to 'beat up' A/2. On 21 Mar A/2 told Q/1 that QUOTA allowing A/2 remain Spain. 2. Q/1 conversation with QUOTA lasted one hour. Unable identify two QUOTA interrogators. Before leaving they had Q/1 sign statement based on his remarks, which contained following: A. Brief curriculum vitae. B. That Q/1 learned about AMLASH/1/Rolando Cubela - AMBIDDY/1/Manuel Artime meet after the fact. C. AMLASH/1 asked Q-1 for $200 personal loan which he gave him. At that time AMLASH/1 mentioned AMBIDDY/1 meet and plot to overthrow AMTHUG but gave no details. AMLASH/1 said nothing of assassination attempt. D. Q/1 not affiliated with KUBARK (CIA), that PBRUMEN (Cuban) Govt uses this accusation to embarrass exile colony and ODYOKE (U.S. Government). E. Q/1 knew nothing about alleged plans for sabotaging ships. 3. Station briefed Q/1 re Ref B. Expects hear from AMJEWEL/1 during current week and planning play back pitch accordingly."