Cryptonym: QUDOZE
05/03/65: Dispatch from COS, Madrid to Chief, WE (Info: Deputy Chief, WH/C; COS, JMWAVE): Subject: KEYWAY/PBRUMEN/Operations/AMLASH/3: "1. Forwarded as an attachment is a report covering a portion of a conversation between Francisco Calzadilla Nunez, Cuban Minister, Madrid; Luis Manuel Castillo, Second Secretary Cuban Embassy, Madrid; and QUHOPS/1 concerning AMLASH/3. The conversation was reported by QUDOZE. 2. It is obvious from this conversation that AMLASH/3 is definitely persona non grata in the Cuban Embassy, Madrid as well as apparently with the Cuban Government. 3. We have received previous thoughts we had regarding the possible utilization of AMLASH/3 in coverage of the Embassy and Embassy personnel, in light of the attached report, and now plan to restrict our efforts solely to monitoring AMLASH/3's activities through QUSPORT/1. 4. AMLASH/3 is still telling many of his local contacts that he plans to return to Cuba but as usual without any definite plan or data. 5. Recent QUDOZE material indicates that QUHOPS/1 will leave Madrid for Cuba on 27 April. (Signed) Wallace A. Growery."
03/02/66: Cable from Director to Madrid, London, Paris, Rome, WAVE (Info: Mexico City): (Orig: William Amshey, Unit: WH/C/FI/TC): Slugline TYPIC MHAPRON BAIRN QUDOZE LAPOGO LIFEAT LIENVOY: "1. Please query all knowledgeable Station assets full details re AMLASH/1 arrest. Ditto AMTRUNK-10. IDENS follow (Rolando Cubela Secades and Ramon Guin Diaz respectively). 2. For MADR LOND MEXI ROME: Please cable any mention in audio take re AMLASH/1 arrest. 3. For PARI: Please be alert any QUTIDE-2 reporting reaction and gossip Cuban installation re AMLASH/1 arrest."
03/21/66: Cable from Madrid to Director: "SUPDATA Source: ZRWAHOO. Para 1: QUDOZE; Para 2: QUOTA. Project QUOTA... COUNTRY: Spain, Cuba. DOI: 17 March 1966...ACQ.: Spain, Madrid (18 Mar 66)..SOURCE: Paragraph 1 - A member of the Cuban Embassy in Madrid who was present during the conversation. He is a usually reliable source and his information is believed to be accurate. Paragraph 2 - (REDACTION)." Pages 1-2: "1. On 17 March 1966 Francisco Calzadilla Nunez, Cuban Charge D'Affaires in Madrid, was considering lodging a protest with the Spanish Government as a result of plotting in Madrid by the Artime group to assassinate Fidel Castro, as disclosed by the recent trial in Havana of Comandante Rolando Cubela Secades and his followers. Calzadilla was awaiting instructions from his government as to the course of action to be followed. 2. Inasmuch as the Direccion General de Seguridad (DGS - Directorate General of Security) in Spain suspected that the Cuban Government might submit a protest, it detained Jorge Robreno Marieges for a short period of time so that it could be in a position to demonstrate that some action was taken as a result of information released during the Cubela trial. (Field Comment: Robreno is one of the persons presently in Spain alleged to have been involved in the recent conspiracy to assassinate Castro)..."
05/28/68: Dispatch from COS, Madrid to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division: Subject: Operational/TYPIC/QUDOZE/MHGUILE/Indications of Clandestine Activity planned by PBRUMEN (REDACTION): "1. In the four month period since the forwarding of ref B, the QUDOZE and QUTIMID Operations have continued to provide insights into the program of the Cuban official establishment in Spain, the requirements laid on it and the evolution in the thinking of AMAUTO-1 and his staff as they work toward expanding their contacts and influence in the political, economic and cultural-propaganda fields. These developments will provide the subject matter for subsequent dispatches. However, in addition to such conventional 'public relations', the QUDOZE Reports have recently carried evidence of MHGUILE activity. Because such activity automatically means Cuban involvement in Spain's internal affairs, QUOTA has taken an even greater than usual interest in these developments. Translations of the transcripts detailing this information are given below. 2. The earliest..most striking MHGUILE information was forwarded..describing AMAUTO-1's advice to AMADIEU-1 on the techniques of living a clandestine life, on the use of disguise and on the necessity for good organization for 'with bad organization we are lost.' Then, a QUDOZE Report of 30 April 68 summarized a discussion on the lack of personnel in the Embassy to make scientific and technical contacts..." Page 2: ..."3. Following the return of AMADRIFT-1 on the 7th of March 68, via Cuban national flight...the QUDOZE material reported extensive conversations between AMADRIFT-1 and AMAUTO-1 on future plans. Two were of MHGUILE-1 interest: A. QUDOZE Report of 13 March 68. AMAUTO-1 says, 'this is..with the American movement in Spain and with the monopoly that they have here'...B. QUDOZE Report of 14 Mar 68. AMAUTO-1 says that they have to find out 'what are the forces in Spain, with the possibility of our having access (to them)'"...
09/13/68: Dispatch from COS, Madrid (REDACTION) to Chief, Western Hemisphere Division (Info: Chief, European Division, COS, JMCOBRA): Subject: Operational/TYPIC/QUDOZE/QUTIMID/MHAPRON/Guillermo Ruiz Perez: "1. Guillermo Ruiz Perez, Charge d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Madrid, has occupied that post for nearly a year. During that time, the QUDOZE/QUTIMID material has revealed various facets of his personality, showing him to be a man of volatile temper, an incessant talker and with more breath of experience and outlook than the other members of the local Cuban mission..." Page 3: "4. As an individual, Ruiz has appeared in QUDOZE/QUTIMID as nervous, capricious, quick tempered...5... A QUDOZE Report of 13 December 1967 included a discussion with a Spanish employee of the Embassy during which Ruiz explained that the Cuban revolution is different from any other revolution there has ever been in the world, that it has different characteristics and trajectories, that in spite of having a mark of Marxist principles it has many variations which make it difficult. Those variations are unknown even to some of the comrades themselves. In a QUDOZE Report of 23 June, he commented on certain features of the Cuban system as 'very difficult to understand unless one is of the left.' The QUDOZE Report of 4 July quoted extensively in OSMA-24, 112 of 9 August 1968 showed most clearly Ruiz's view of Cuba and the revolution as one entity and to see himself within that structure, a part of it and serving it..."
104-10181-10011: CIA FILE ON ORESTES RUIZ-PEREZ, VOL 11.
Undated Dispatch from Chief, Western Hemisphere Division to COS, Madrid: Subject: TYPIC/QUDOZE/AMAUTO/QUDOZE Transcripts: "1. The AMEDITS have just completed the QUDOZE transcripts for the period 19 September - 13 October 1969. This was the second group of transcripts forwarded the AMEDITS for translation, per our trial period as mentioned in reference A, in order to make them more fully useful to different components at Headquarters. The take from the QUDOZE operation appears very interesting. We noted with interest that AMAUTO-1 discusses freely with his subordinates and privileged visitors subjects of a confidential nature, including matters that have to do with intelligence activities..."
104-10181-10011: CIA FILE ON ORESTES RUIZ-PEREZ, VOL 11.
05/01/70: Cable from Director to Madrid (Info: WH/Miami): (Orig: Richard Wheeler, Unit: WH/COG/OPS): Slugline TYPIC AMAUTO: "1. Ref A represents lead to AMAUTO-1 which HQs willing pursue if Madrid thinks worth while. Although Samko did not indicate relationship was very deep, QUTIMID/QUDOZE traffic seems to indicate AMAUTO-1 looked on Samko with great deal nostalgia. Much depends on Madrid's other plans through subject Ref B (201-866047). Request status your contact with him and plans. 2. Recent review of AMAUTO-1 tapes by AMEDIT-2 show that AMAUTO-1 maintains continuing relationship with QUSEQUIN-82. AMEDIT-2 comments that QUSEQUIN-82 knows AMAUTO-1 personally and sees him rather often but presumably in line of duty. HQs interested in nature and extent this relationship. View QUSEQUIN-82 comments reported in OSMA-23624, Attachment 1, Station might use this relationship to approach AMAUTO-1. 3. WODISH report 27 Mar 70 was debriefing of Manuel (handwritten: 201-235286) (Vigos) Perez, 30-year old Cuban who arrived Miami by air on 20 Feb 70. Vigos claims to be unidentified close relative of AMAUTO-1 but has AMAUTO-1's history somewhat garbled. Vigos also says that one Osvaldo Ruiz Perez, described as brother of AMAUTO-1, has asked to leave Cuba and is now in cane fields. WH/Miami requested to check these leads...WH/COG COMMENT: Ref A said that Samko, Miami butcher who old acquaintance of AMAUTO-1, has been located and willing travel to Madrid if necessary. Ref B is POA grant for one Carlos Carrasco, whom (REDACTION) plans to use somehow to get to AMAUTO-1."
104-10181-10011: CIA FILE ON ORESTES RUIZ-PEREZ, VOL 11.
05/08/70: Cable from Madrid to Director (Info: WH/Miami, Rome): Slugline TYPIC AMMEDIA QUDOZE: "1. From QUSEQUIN/QUDOZE 6 May: A. Carlos Alfaras, Cuban Ambassador Lebanon and Syria told Antolin (probably Antolin Alfonso Casteneda), Cuban Embassy Rome that he (Alfaras) and wife scheduled fly Madrid/Rome 9 May Iberia flight 358. Antolin said that Salvador Vilaseca, ambassador Italy, in Cuba for week's vacation; expected return Rome 6 May Alitalia 366. B. Guillermo Ruiz, charge in Madrid, said he traveling Havana mid-June for a meeting of ambassadors. 2. File 201-814891, 201-735296, 201-759701."
07/14/70: Cable from Madrid to Director (Info: WH/Miami): Slugline TYPIC AMAUTO: "1. QUSECRET-1 (QUDOZE monitor) reports 14 July that complete cleaning underway in Cuban Embassy, all staff participating, in preparation for arrival 15 July of VIP from Havana. Furthermore, that large numbers of personal effects belonging to family Guillermo Ruiz Perez (201-735296) were packed, including all of Ruiz's personal books from office. Definite impression is that Ruiz will not return. 2. Station monitoring QUDOZE/QUTIMID and airport to determine further details concerning new arrival and other changes. 3. 201-735296."