Cryptonym: QRPHONE-1
104-10217-10223: RICHARD GIBSON
5/22/66 revised memorandum of oral agreement for Richard Gibson aka QRPHONE-1: "QRPHONE-1's employment by WOFIRM/CIA...began on 1 June 1965...write-off of the funds passed to QRPHONE-1 is to be effected on the basis of the procedure approved by Chief, LCPIPIT and COS/(REDACTED)..." Signed by case officer Aaron C. Laginestra; approved by Chief, LCPIPIT Adrian B. Maslott.
104-10217-10221.pdf Richard Gibson
"In December 1963 Subject was interiewed by a consular officer in REDACTED for information on Lee Harvey Oswald who reportedly had some contact with REDACTED
104-10217-10328.pdf Richard Gibson
Mr. Gibson was asked to visite Embassy because of a report by a controlled American source that, as an aex-official of the Fair Play for Cuba Commttee of New York, he might have had some information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald."