Cryptonym: PIPELINE
CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 45: ..."Term: PIPELINE. Definition: Defector Project..."
104-10177-10219: CIA FILE ON MATLACK, DOROTHE K. (MRS.).
12/20/51: Cable from OO/CPC/OSO to Frankfurt: Slugline PIPELINE: "Janney of ZACABIN (CIA Office of Special Operations - OSO) says he gave (REDACTION) background on aeronautical engineer among (REDACTION) disposal group and (REDACTION) promised explore possibility getting him in (REDACTION) through (REDACTION) contacts. ZACABIN anxious to finish (REDACTION) disposal operation 15 January. This one man refuses work at anything except aeronautical engineering, for which job not available (REDACTION). Advise soonest what (REDACTION) has done or what he can do. ZACABIN thinking of moving defector back to Germany where he might land in your lap." - - - 2022 release, page 7 (reference to Janney probably Walter C. Janney - see pages 9-10): - - - June 27, 2023 release, page 7:
104-10177-10219: CIA FILE ON MATLACK, DOROTHE K. (MRS.).
12/27/51: Cable from Frankfurt to OO/CPC/OSO: Slugline PIPELINE: REUR 446 (OUT 95394): "Ref passed Moffett who has been exploring with (REDACTION) they don't seem interested. Only likely believed to be another (REDACTION) country (REDACTION) with whom we have no contacts. We certainly not able do anything here which can't be more effectively done western hemisphere without expense moving family back to Germany and then on out again." - - - June 27, 2023 release, page 6:
09/30/54: Report on the Covert Activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (Doolittle Report): Pages 52-53: "Appendix B: ..."2. Other Than CIA...Matlack, Mrs. Dorothy: USA..."
06/04/12: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend: Chapter 8: The CIA-Army Intelligence Mambo by Bill Simpich: "The CIA and Army Intelligence worked together to form the Caribbean Action Center for collecting intelligence from Cuban refugees, the home of the debriefing specialist Dorothe Matlack. Dorothe Matlack, a renowned figure known as a pioneer in the Army's use of human intelligence, has been described as the Pentagon's liaison to the CIA. She was a specialist in the art of debriefing. She spent many years as Assistant Chief of Staff of Intelligence for Army Intelligence, with much of her work in the Collections Division. She organized and directed the debriefings of tens of thousands of people, with a particular emphasis on refugees from Hungary and Cuba. In the sixties, the value of her work had risen even higher, and her section was reorganized into the 'Exploitation Section.' Her role with the Caribbean Action Center is major, illustrating the Center's role as a vacuum cleaner for swallowing up information about Cuba. In an interview, JMWAVE officer Tony Sforza described a building near an airport where debriefing reports would be typed, processed, and provided to the intelligence agency of Cuban exiles known as the 'AMOTs'. 150 Cubans were working for the Army and the CIA in this miniature agency. More than twenty Cubans were among the actual debriefers, and the other Cubans worked in records, reports writing and similar tasks, all answering to US case officers. David Morales was ideally suited to help lead the work of the Caribbean Action Center (CAC), as he was the #2 man at the CIA forward operations base in Miami known as JMWAVE, and helped create the AMOTs. Morales was also a military man who had been seconded to the CIA. Morales was joined at the CAC by his loyal ally Tony Sforza." (CONTINUED BELOW).
"While serving as a top official within the ACSI, Matlack and her colleague Colonel Sam Kail were also key supporting officers at the Carribean Action Center. Matlack also worked with the Interagency Defector Committee and the CIA's debriefing specialist Tony Czajkowski. After obtaining top secret clearances, Matlack joined the Interagency Defector Committee in 1953 and served for many years. The agencies in the IDC were State, DIA, Army, Navy, Air Force, FBI and the CIA. She had worked with Tony Czajkowski of the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division off and on over the years. Like Matlack, Czajkowski was also a debriefing specialist. His work with the Domestic Contacts Division in 'domestic exploitation' was identical with Matlack's. Czajkowski wrote an article in 1959 entitled 'Techniques of Domestic Intelligence Collection.' It's a good discussion about how to get information from people such as Oswald or de Mohrenschildt. In 1953, Matlack was assigned to be a 'liaison on defector matters and aliens of interest.' During the early 60s, Matlack worked closely with CIA Defector Coordinator George Aurell. Matlack also worked with the CIA in analyzing long lists of reports made by notorious defectors such as Anatoly Golitsyn. Odds are high that Matlack would have been intimately familiar with the story behind the re-defector Lee Oswald. A CIA memo, probably written by Angleton's man John Mertz, told the Warren Commission that the IDC only handled 'foreign persons who defect to the United States, rather than defectors from the United States to an iron curtain country.' Oswald, as a re-defector returning to the US from an iron curtain country, fit in neither category..."